O. DeM 00330
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00815
Description: Limestone, 23.5 x 14 cm. Black ink, one side, 7 lines on upper part. Complete but much effaced.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - duty
Keywords: appointment - plaster
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh IV, 24, pl. 30 (description, transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 308, 310 and 311 (translation); Helck, Materialien VI, (1009) and (1010) (translation) Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 534 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 10 (1); II pr.t sw 20 (5); II pr.t sw 30 (6); III pr.t sw 6 (7)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 29 Ramesses III (Černý, Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: One Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt is ordered to produce plaster, which he delivers for the 10th day of II pr.t , but not for the two decades that follow. Plaster is delivered again by him on day 6 of III pr.t .
Terminology: iw m Dr.t=f (7); iw m Dr.t=f m pA wrS n NN (3, 4 - ditto ) ; m wDA.t (5, 6); hrw pn di.t NN r oD (1-2); ditto (4)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-Ip.t (4); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (2); 1r (3)
Remarks: Beter dan 'appointment' wellicht 'commissioning'?

Record last updated 2006-07-27

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