O. DeM 00580
Other nos.: -
Description: Greyish pottery, 20 x 24 cm. Black ink, obverse 9 lines, reverse 2 lines; top obverse = bottom reverse. Complete.
Classification: deposition
Keywords: basketry - beer - bread - conflict - grain - hearing - junior - mat - oracle - payment - plants - term - textile - theft - vessel - woodwork - mtr.t
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; excavations Bruyere; tomb no. 1445, Qurnet Murai North, 28-01-1951. See also Bruyere, Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir El Medineh 1948-1951 , 112.
Publication: Sauneron, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [VI], 7, pls. 15 and 15a (description, transcription, facsimile); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 136 and 137, no. 129 (translation, commentary); Eichler, SAK 18 (1991), 197 (translation obv. 3 and 4; commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 574 and 575 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Kitchen)
Contents: Deposition by the workman PA-Ra-Htp about the things he has given to the water-carrier Knr , who was to bring them to one PA-HA.t.y-a . Instead, Knr took these things, as well as some items subsequently entrusted to him. Despite Knr 's promise to pay for some of the items, and the decision made by the oracle of Amenhotep in favour of PA-Ra-Htp , the latter has apparently not received anything. See Remarks.
Terminology: ir ink (obv. 1); m bAH Imn-Htp anx wDA snb (obv. 9); sDm r n NN (obv. 1)
Names/Titles: Imn-Htp anx wDA snb (deity; obv. 9); PA-Ra-Htp (rmT-is.t ; obv. 1); PA-HA.t.y-a ( or an. (pA HA.t.y-a )? obv. 3 ; see Remarks ); Knr (in-mw ; obv. 3)
Remarks: Contents: the workman PA-Ra-Htp and the water-carrier Knr also figure in the dispute recorded in O. DeM 582; see there. McDowell, Jurisdiction , 28 note 99: hAn (rev. 1) for hAd "order to pay"? Sim. Černý Notebook 84. Names, Titles: for PA-HA.t.y-a (proper name) or pA HA.t.y-a "the mayor" see Davies, Who's Who , 53, note 677; Sabek, ZÄS 129 (2002), 78, note 32. The writing with or without determinative is unconclusive (see the refs. given by H. Ranke, Die aegyptischen Personennamen I, Glü ckstadt , 1935 , xxii, 115, no. 12; II, Glückstadt - Hamburg, 1952, 354).

Record last updated 2024-05-01

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