O. DeM 00585 + O. DeM 00830
Other nos.: O. IFAO 01665; O. IFAO 02787
Description: Pottery sherd, in 2 fragments: (1) DeM 00 585 exterior greyish, interior pink, section white-red-grey (from exterior to interior), 12.5 x 13 cm, average thickness 1.5 cm; (2) DeM 00 830 (= upper left corner) thick sherd with yellow slip, 6.5 x 4.5 cm. Pale black ink, one side (exterior), 10 lines (first line on DeM 00 830 here numbered 0). Damaged; beginnings of lines 0, 1, 2 and 9(?) lost.
Classification: account
Keywords: house - temple - village
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; Kom du Grand Puits, 07-12-1950 (both fragments)
Publication: Sauneron, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [VI], 8, pls. 18 and 18a (description, transcription, facsimile); Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Médinéh VIII, 77 and 215 (description, transliteration, translation, commentary, facsimile and transcription of DeM 00 830; photograph of DeM 00 585 + 00 830)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: second half of Dyn. 20 (Grandet)
Contents: List of toponyms and institutions, each preceded by the preposition r 'to' and followed by an untranscribed sign and number '1'.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: Imn n pA iw rsy PA-mr (deity; temple of; 4); ar-rn.w (geo.; 7?); tA wHA.t KAri (geo.; 9) ; Mn-xpr-Ra (king; pr-mA of; 5); 1oA-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Imn anx wDA snb (king; in geo.; 1); 2nw-nfr (geo.; 3); 5nd.t-tA (geo.; 8); ObH.w (geo.; 6) Incomplete: [...] A [...] t (geo.; 2); [...] is [...] (geo.; 1?)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2006-07-28

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