O. DeM 00852
Other nos.: O. IFAO 01347; O. IFAO inv. no. SA 01301
Description: Limestone, 13 x 15 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink and red ink, obverse two columns, column I 14 lines, column II 14 lines, reverse two columns, column I 9 lines, column II 7 lines. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Damaged: beginnings of obverse I 1-2, lost, end of obverse I 14 lost, middle of obverse I 1 effaced, only traces remain of beginning of obverse II 2, ends of obverse II 1, 8-13 lost, nothing remains of obverse II 14. End of reverse I 1 lost, beginnings of reverse I 7-9 lost, ends of reverse II 4, 6 lost, only traces remain of reverse II 7.
Classification: account : delivery - name - portion
Keywords: dates - grain rations
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Grand Puits, 16-03-1949; mark: 16.3.49 (GP)
Publication: Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh IX, 2, 30-34, 228-231 (photographs, facsimile, transcription, description, transliteration, translation, commentary).
Dates mentioned: [...] Smw sw 5 (obv. I 1); III Smw (obv. I ~1#?); IV Smw sw 21 (obv. II 1); I Ax.t sw 5 (rev. I 1); I Ax.t (rev. I 1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, before year 39 Ramesses II (Grandet).
Contents: An account of deliveries of grain and dates to the workmen.
Terminology: iw (rev. II 2, 4 ); wp st (rev. II 6); wHm (rev. II 2, 4); mn (rev. II 5); rwi m nn (rev. II 3, ~4#-5) rdy.t (obv. I 1, II 1, rev. I ~1#); di.t di.w n Abd ? (obv. I 1, rev. I 1); dmD (rev. I 5, II 4, 5) dmD wHm (rev. II 1)
Names/Titles: Any-nxt (obv. II ~13# (?), rev. I 5); Ii (obv. II 5 - for Ii-r-niw.t=f ); Ipwy (obv. II ~9# ); Ipwy ( sS ; rev. I 6); Imn-m-wiA (obv. I 5); Wn-nfr (obv. I 8); PA-Sd (obv. I 10; written 5 d ); Pn-Rnnw.t (obv. I 13 , rev. I 3 - written Pn-wt.t ); Pnbwy (obv. I 11); Nb-Imn.t.t (obv. I 9, II ~11#); Ra-ms ( sS ; obv. II 3, rev I 2); 1y ( sS ; obv. I ~ 14 # ); 1y-nfr (obv. I 3); 1r-m-wiA (obv. II 4; rev. I ~7#?); 1r-ms (obv. I 7, II 7); 1r-nfr (obv. I 4); 1ry (obv. II ~ 1 # ?); 1H (obv. II 12); 2Am.y (rev. II 6?); 2a (rev. I 4); 2a-m-WAs.t (obv. I 6, rev. II 6); 2a-m-tr (obv. II 8); 4A-WAD.t (obv. II 6, rev. I ~8#); 4A-Mw.t (obv. II 10); 4bA (obv. I 12); Incomplete: [...]- ms (obv. I 2); [...]- nfr (rev. I 9)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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