O. DeM 10148
Other nos.: O. IFAO 10188; O. IFAO inv. no. SA 12588
Description: Limestone, 20.5 x 18 cm. Inscribed on two sides: on obverse 10 lines and on reverse 15 lines in black ink. Top obverse = top reverse. Damaged: broken off at right and left edges, surface heavily degraded and effaced. Beginnings of obv. 1-5, 7-10, rev. 1-2 and 15 lost; ends of obv. 1, 6, 10, rev. 1-8, 10 and 15 lost; major gaps in obv. 1-5 and rev. 4-8; rev. 11-14 completely missing.
Classification: account : absence - delivery
Keywords: donkey - gum - painting - pigments - stone
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh XI, 36-39, 258-261 (photographs. facsimiles, transcriptions, description, transliteration, translation and commentary).
Dates mentioned: sw 20 (rev. 5); sw 21 (obv. 5); sw 22 (rev. 6); sw 24-25 (rev. 7); sw 29 (rev. 8)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, reign Ramesses IX (?) (Grandet)
Contents: Account of deliveries of pigments.
Terminology: wHm (rev. 5); m Dr.t NN (rev. ~6#, 7) Incomplete: hrw pn Ssp [...] NN m wsf (obv. 5); Ssp [...] (rev. 15)
Names/Titles: Imn-Htp ( Hr.y Ss-od ; obv. ~5#, 8; rev. 2, ~7#, ~10#); 1r ( sS ; obv. ~1#, 4; rev. 5) Incomplete: Ii [...] (obv. 3 - Ii-r-niw.t=f ?)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2024-05-08

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