O. Fitzwilliam Museum E.GA.6119.1943
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 11 x 8 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink. On obverse two columns: obv. I 10 lines, obv. II 6 lines; obv. II separated from obv. I by a thick dividing line. On reverse 5 lines in black ink. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Damaged; broken off at top and bottom of obverse; only traces remain of obv. I 1 and 10; end of obv. II 6 lost.
Classification: list : name
Keywords: -
Provenance: In the Fitzwilliam Museum since 1943 as part of the R.G. Gayer-Anderson bequest.
Publication: Hagen, New Kingdom Ostraca , 18-20 (description, translation and commentary), pls. 17-18 (photographs, facsimiles and transcriptions)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, end of reign Ramesses II - early reign of Merenptah (Hagen)
Contents: List of workmen of the right side of the gang, headed by foreman In-Hr-xa and scribe On-Hr-xpS=f . See Remarks.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: Any (obv. II 6); Ii-r-niw.t=f (rev. 4; written Ii-niw.t=f ); Imn-ms (obv. II 5); In-Hr-xa ( aA n is.t ; obv. I 2); WAD-ms (obv. I 9); Wn-nfr (rev. 1); Bw-on.tw=f (rev. 2); PA-nb (obv. II 4); Pn-nbw (obv. II 3); Pn-dwA (obv. I 4); Mry-4xm.t (rev. 3); Nx (obv. I 8); Nxt-Mnw (obv. II 2); Ra-ms-sw-nxt (rev. 5); 1H-nxw (obv. II 1); 1r-m-wiA (obv. I 7); 1r-nfr (obv. I 5); 4A-WAD.t (obv. I 6); On-Hr-xpS=f ( sS ; obv. I 3)
Remarks: Contents: the sequence order of the names can be compared with those on O. BM 05634 and O. DeM 00706.

Record last updated 2024-07-04

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