O. Fitzwilliam Museum E.GA.6123.1943
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 9 x 12 cm. Inscribed on one side with 5 lines in black ink. Damaged; broken off at right and left edges and bottom; beginnings of lines 3-5 and ends of all lines missing; surface partly chipped off.
Classification: account : transfer
Keywords: bread - grain - offering
Provenance: In the Fitzwilliam Museum since 1943 as part of the R.G. Gayer-Anderson bequest.
Publication: Hagen, New Kingdom Ostraca , 22-23 (description, translation and commentary), pl. 21 (photograph, facsimile and transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: see Remarks
Contents: Record of items given by Nfr-Htp to his mother(?) via several persons, in connection with a libation offering.
Terminology: m-Dr.t=f (5); rdy.t n NN (~1#)
Names/Titles: an. ( mw.t of Nfr-Htp (?); 2) ; Nfr-ab.t ( mDAy ; 3); Nfr-Htp ( ms n pA 2r ; ~1#); 2nsw-m-Hb (~5#) Incomplete: PA-Ra-[...] ( mDAy ; 3).
Remarks: Date attributed: probably dyn. 19 in view of the palaeography (Demarée).

Record last updated 2024-05-29

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