O. Fitzwilliam Museum E.GA.6132.1943
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 12 x 14 cm. Inscribed on two sides: obverse 6 lines in black ink; reverse traces of black and red ink. Damaged: broken off at top, bottom and left edge of obverse, reverse surface much degraded; only traces remain of obv. 1 and the text on reverse, beginnings and ends of obv. 2-6 lost.
Classification: letter(?)
Keywords: beer - bread - dates - offering - plants - wine
Provenance: In the Fitzwilliam Museum since 1943 as part of the R.G. Gayer-Anderson bequest.
Publication: Hagen, New Kingdom Ostraca , 31-32 (description, translation and commentary of obverse and reverse), pl. 37 (photograph, facsimile and transcription of obverse)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Obscure letter or ritual(?) text, mentioning various products, possibly as offerings.
Terminology: m Dd (obv. 4)
Names/Titles: Imn (deity; obv. 4) Incomplete: IaH-Htp [...] (queen; f.; obv. 4)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2024-05-31

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