O. IFAO 00268 + O. IFAO 00278
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery (2 fragments of same vase, not joining), measurements at present not available. One side, with remains of respectively 5 (O. IFAO 0268) and 3 (O. IFAO 0278) lines in black and red ink. Damaged. Broken off on all sides, beginnings and ends of all lines lost, on O. IFAO 0268 line 2 partly and lines 3 and 4 entirely effaced, on O. IFAO 0278 lines 2 and 3 partly effaced, possible traces of an effaced line above line 1.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - duty
Keywords: beer - bread - dates - side (of gang)
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; O. IFAO 0268 found 19.1.30 (19-01-1930), KS (Kom de decombres au sud du village, according to Clere MSS); O. IFAO 0278 see Remarks
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 103.115 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: sw 24-25, 27 (O. IFAO 0268, 1, 2, 5); sw 28 (O. IFAO 0278, 1)
Dates attributed: Mid dyn. 20, reign of Ramesses III (see Remarks)
Contents: A series of dates, followed by names of workmen on duty(?) and deliveries of commodities.
Terminology: wnmy (O. IFAO 0278, 2)
Names/Titles: Ii-r-niw.t=f (O. IFAO 0278, 1 (written Ii-niw.t=f )); 1r-Sri (O. IFAO 0268, 5)
Remarks: Provenance: O. IFAO 0278 belongs to the series found in January 1930. Date attributed: in view of a note by Černý next to his transcription of O. IFAO 0268 line 5, he seems to have thought on the duty roster for year 32 of Ramesses III, but this king never lived into his regnal year 32, III Ax.t . The other names do not fit into the known duty roster for these years.

Record last updated 2006-08-25

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