O. IFAO 00302
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 5.5 x 9 cm. One side with two lines in black ink. Damaged; the right edge has broken off, causing loss of writing.
Classification: list : name
Keywords: -
Provenance: Deir el-Medina; found 29.11.31 (29-11-1931) ST (Region basse au sud du temple, according to Clere MSS)
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 103.126 (description, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Mention of three persons, preceded by r a .
Terminology: r a NN (~1# - r a TAty ; 1, ~2#)
Names/Titles: an. ( TAty ; 1); PA-sr (2; or PA-wr ); Nfr-ab.t (~1#)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2006-08-25

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