O. IFAO 00861
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery (vase fragment), 4.3 x 5.3 cms. Complete. One side, with four lines in black ink.
Classification: oracle
Keywords: copper - oracle
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Grand Puits au nord du temple, campaign 1948-1949
Publication: Černý, BIFAO 72 (1972), 53 no. 47 (description, transcription, translation and commentary), pl. XVII no. 47 (facsimile; see Remarks ); F. Neveu, La langue des Ramsès. Grammaire du néo-égyptien , Paris 1996, 264 (facsimile, transcription, transliteration, translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Mid dyn. 20; see Remarks
Contents: Question as to whether the five deben of copper have been given to Pn-pA-iw ; see Remarks
Terminology: in (written n ; 1)
Names/Titles: Pn-pA-iw (or Pn-pA-mr ); see Remarks
Remarks: Publication: in Cern 's transcription the number 'four' is obviously a mistake for 'five' (see facsimile). Date(s) attributed: in view of personal name (Demaree). Contents and Names, Titles: Černý hesitates in reading the personal name as either Pn-PA-1apy or Pn-pA-mr .

Record last updated 2007-09-20

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