O. Louvre E 11178c
Other nos.: -
Description: Pebble, 7.5 x 7.5 cms. Damaged. Two sides; on obverse remains of 5 lines in black ink; on reverse traces of a sketch and 2 lines in black ink. Surface on both obverse and reverse much rubbed, causing loss of writing in lines 1, 2, 4 and 5 of obverse and both lines of the reverse. Top obverse = top reverse.
Classification: letter
Keywords: -
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Koenig, RdE 42 (1991), 108 (facsimile, description and transcription).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Text on obverse contains the first lines of a (draft?) letter. Sketch on reverse shows a squatting figure; the few remaining signs do not present a coherent text.
Terminology: m anx wDA snb m Hs.w.t ... (obv. 3); Hna Dd (obv. 5); [...] NN Hr nD xr.t (obv. 2-3)
Names/Titles: Imn-Ra nswt nTr.w (deity; obv. 3-4); Pn-Imn (obv. 2)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2002-08-19

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