O. Louvre E 23554 | |
Other nos.: | O. Weill |
Description: | Dark red pottery (with yellowish slip; vase fragment), 16.4 x 14.6 cms. Almost complete. One side, with 5 lines and a drawing in black ink. Upper right corner broken off, causing loss of the beginning of line 1. Surface partly rubbed, beginning of line 2 and lower left corner of drawing effaced. |
Classification: | letter |
Keywords: | woodwork |
Provenance: | bought at Dra Abu el- Naga in 1911 and donated by R. Weill to the Louvre in 1950 |
Publication: | Weill, Receuil de Travaux 36 (1914), 89-90 and pl. V,2 (description, transcription and photograph); Andreu, L'Egypte Ancienne au Louvre , 154 fig. 71 (photograph, description, translation); Grandet, in Les Artistes de Pharaon , 75 no. 4 (photograph, description, translation, commentary, bibliography) ; Naissance de l'é criture . Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes. Galeries nationales du Grand Palais 7 mai-9 ao 1982 , Paris , 1982, 283, no. 235 (description and photograph) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 19 (Letellier in Naissance de l'ecriture ) ; second half of reign Ramesses II (Grandet) |
Contents: | The anonymous writer of this communication orders Nxt-Imn to make four windows according to an accompanying sketch with measurements. |
Terminology: | di=i rx=k s.t (2); [...] NN ix ir=k (1) |
Names/Titles: | Nxt-Imn (1) |
Remarks: | - |