O. Michaelides 071
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 14 x 11.3 cms. Damaged. Two sides. Obverse and reverse respectively 15 and 12 lines in black and red ink. Top obverse = top reverse. Much of the writing, esp. on reverse, is rubbed off.
Classification: journal : absence - delivery - event - labour
Keywords: door - gang - hut - illness - inactivity - Necropolis - offering - place - tomb (royal) - woodwork - work
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Goedicke-Wente, Ostraka Michaelides , 20 (description), pl. LXIX (facsimile, transcription); Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 119-120, 160 (description, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 176 and 178 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 424-425 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: [..] Smw sw 15 (obv. 10); II Smw sw 4 (rev. 1); II Ax.t sw 13 (rev. 4); II Ax.t sw 14 (rev. 7); sw 5 (rev. 12); see Remarks.
Dates attributed: L ate d yn. 19 (Goedicke-Wente), Siptah-Tausert (Kitchen); year 2 Siptah (Helck) ; late years Seti II to Siptah (Collier)
Contents: Journal of the Necropolis, recording absences of workmen and causes thereof. Especially mentioned on a certain day is the breaking through of the door to a room in the royal tomb under construction and further on another day going to the royal tomb by the chief workman. See Remarks.
Terminology: aHa n NN (obv. 10, 15; rev. 11); aHa n tA is.t (rev. 4, 6, 7); wnmy (rev. 5); m wsf (rev. 3, 4); m Dr.t NN (obv. ~2#, 3, 8, 9); m tAy=f a.t (obv. 12); mr (obv. 14, 15); r rdi.t rx=tw nA n bAk.w iry n rnp.t-sp [...] (obv. ~4#); hrw pn (rev. 2; written hrw n pn ; see Remarks); smHy (rev. 6); Sd (rev. 8, 9)
Names/Titles: an. (pAy=f Hr.y (obv. 13); an. (sS n TAty ; obv. 9); aA-pH.t.y (obv. 11); PA-ym (obv. ~11#); Rt (obv. 15); 1Ay (obv. 10; rev. 11); 1r-m-wiA (obv. ~8#); 1sy-sw-nb=f (obv. 7); 2a-m-Nwn (obv. 14); 4A-WAD.t (obv. 9); On-Hr-xpS=f (obv. ~12#); Ks (obv. 6)
Remarks: Contents: In the transcription reverse 1 instead of 'day 5' read 'day 4' and in reverse 2 instead of ' m wsf ' read ' hrw n pn '.

Record last updated 2011-07-08

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