O. OIM 16987
Other nos.: O. Nelson 2 ; O. OIC 00110 ; O. OIC 16987
Description: Pottery, 8.5 x 10 cm. Black ink. Inscribed on two sides, obverse 6 lines, reverse 4 lines, top obverse = top reverse. Complete.
Classification: account : payment(?) - transfer ; see Remarks
Keywords: fat - payment(?) - textile - woodwork ; see Remarks
Provenance: Bought in Luxor by H. H. Nelson, mark: 110.
Publication: Černý, JEA 23 (1937) 187-189 (transcription, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 319 (transcription); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 183 no. 140 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: The transition from d yn. 19 to d yn. 20 (Černý); d yn. 20, Ramesses III (Kitchen)
Contents: An account of objects, and penalties (TAw.t ) attached to these objects, which are to be extracted from workman Rt in order to be given to chief workman 1Ay .
Terminology: nty iw=tw r Sd=w m di NN r di.t=w n NN (obv. 1-2); tAy=f TAw.t (obv. 3, 5, rev. 3-4); tAy=s TAw.t (rev. 1, 2)
Names/Titles: Rt (obv. 1); 1Ay (aA n is.t ; obv. 2)
Remarks: Classification: transfer comprising property and penalties (TAw.t ) attached to property. Keywords: one of the items identified here as woodwork, Swbt (?), was translated (rev. 1) as 'stick' by Černý, JEA 23 (1937) 188. Other possible meanings of the word may be 'branches and the fruit of the Persea tree' (see Allam, MDAIK 37 (1981) 11), or shawabti statuette made of wood (see Janssen, Commodity Prices , 243).

Record last updated 2005-05-27

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