O. Qurna 647 reverse
Other nos.: -
Description: Light-coloured limestone, with brown spots on both sides, 13 x 13 cms. Two sides; obverse: seven lines; reverse: ten perpendicular lines. Black ink. Damaged, the right and upper parts of obverse have broken away. On reverse the beginnings of lines 3-9 are damaged or gone.
Classification: account : deficit (?)
Keywords: arrival - grain - Necropolis - rags (?) - xA - smd.t-bnr
Provenance: Qurna; excavated 1983 immediately in front of the German House.
Publication: For the electronic publication at Deir el Medine online, see Deir el Medine online (photograph, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary); cf. Burkard, GM 185 (2001), 5-6 (commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: D yn. 19 (Burkard)
Contents: Account listing grain (grain rations) for the Necropolis, with further specification and total.
Terminology: aHa it ? Sbn (1); see Remarks; wHm m Dr.t=f (~3#); m Dr.t NN (5); rdy.t r pA 2r m Dr.t NN (2); tA wDA.t (4); see Remarks; dmD (3, 10)
Names/Titles: an. (smd.t bnr ; 4); Imn-m-In.t (2); nswt Mn-xpr.w-Ra (king; 6); Nb-Imn (2, 5); Incomplete: [...]n-wt-nxt=f (8)
Remarks: Terminology: For Sbn in line 1, perhaps read wp-s.t ; tA wDA.t in line 4 is followed by what appears to be the house-sign (pr ); conflation with pA wDA 'storehouse'?

Record last updated 2024-07-15

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