O. Strasbourg H. 012
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 7.5 x 7 cms. Damaged. Two sides. Both obverse and reverse five lines in black ink. On obverse lines 1 to 4 have lost their endings and line 5 is almost entirely broken off. On reverse all lines are partly effaced and of line 1 only some traces remain. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: account - journal : absence(?) - delivery - duty(?)
Keywords: bread - grain - inactivity - vessel
Provenance: No indication; see Remarks.
Publication: Koenig, Ostraca Strasbourg , 3 (description), pl. 5 (facsimile, transcription), pl. 102 (photograph)
Dates mentioned: III Ax.t sw 29 (obv. 1); I pr.t sw 30 (obv. 2); sw 23-25 (rev. 3-5)
Dates attributed: D yn. 19 or dyn. 20 (Koenig)
Contents: Journal recording absence or watch of someone and delivery of foodstuffs, vessels and grain. See Remarks
Terminology: iw n sw ? (obv. 4); wsf (obv. 1); dmD (?rev. 5)
Names/Titles: PtH-nxt (?rev. 4); 4mn (obv. 1)
Remarks: Provenance: note that many of the Strasbourg ostraca were excavated by J.E. Quibell in the Ramesseum in 1895-1896 and given to the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire by W.M. Flinders Petrie in 1918 (Koenig, Ostraca Strasbourg , 1; Spiegelberg, ZÄS 58 (1923), 25, note 4). Contents: at the end of obverse line 2 the last sign is to be read as the house sign (Gard. O 1) - beginning of psn -bread.

Record last updated 2024-07-15

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