O. Toronto ROM 906.20.5
Other nos.: O. J.G. Milne [1]
Description: Limestone, measurements presently not available. Inscribed on one side with 3 lines in black ink. Damaged; broken off on all(?) sides; beginnings and ends of all three lines missing. See Remarks.
Classification: account(?) - letter(?)
Keywords: -
Provenance: Acquired by J.G. Milne at Thebes.
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 320 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Kitchen)
Contents: A partially preserved text which might be an account or a letter(?).
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: Imn-nxt ( sS ; 2). Incomplete: [...] ( TAy-xwy ... [...]; 1)
Remarks: Description: Černý Notebook 39.42. Details according to a photograph kindly provided by the museum authorities.

Record last updated 2011-11-22

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