P. Ashmolean Museum 1958.112
Other nos.: P. Gardiner 4
Description: Papyrus, 19.7 x 21.5 cm, sheet join running near bottom margin of recto. Black ink, recto (V/H) 7 lines, verso (H/V) 7 lines, top recto = bottom verso. Damaged; gaps in recto 1, 2 and verso 6, 7.
Classification: letter
Keywords: appointment - commissioning - document - donkey - grain - grain rations - illness - message - painting - servant - side (of gang) - tomb (royal)
Provenance: Bought for A.H. Gardiner by N. de Garis Davies in Thebes, and presented to the Ashmolean Museum in 1958.
Publication: Eyre, SAK 11 (1984), 195-207, pls. 9 and 10 (photographs, description, transcription, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 339 and 340 (transcription); McDowell, in: Care of the Elderly , 212 (translation of recto 6 - verso 3); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 213-215, no. 164 (translation, commentary); Wente, Letters , 134, no. 158 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: mid-Dyn. 20 (Eyre, Wente), Ramesses IV (Kitchen)
Contents: Letter from the draughtsman 1r-Mnw to his father 1r , asking him to send a man in order to collect some grain for(?) a donkey, and to have the captains (Hwty.w ) appoint the servant of 1r in order to help him painting (in the royal tomb). 1r-Mnw is working alone now that his brother is ill, and so the left side of the gang is progressing slower than the right side. He also mentions the extension of the gang and the involvement of the high priest.
Terminology: NN n NN m anx wDA snb m Hs.w.t (recto ~1#); r nty (recto 2); r-a-sS (verso 1); Hna Dd (recto 3); Sa.t (recto 4)
Names/Titles: an. ( bAk of 1r ; recto 7); an. ( nA wnmy ; verso 2); an. ( psD.t n Ip.t-s.w.t ; deity; recto 2-3); an. ( nA Hwty.w ; recto 7 - written Hnty.w , verso 5 - written Hnty.w ); an. ( pA Hm-nTr ; verso 6 - see Remarks); an. ( pA Hm-nTr n 1w.t-1r ; recto 6); an. ( pA Hm-nTr tp.y ; verso 4); an. ( sn of 1r-Mnw ; verso 1); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto 1-2, ~2#); Mw.t (deity; f.; recto 2); 1r-Mnw ( sS-od ; recto 1); 2nsw (deity; recto 2) Damaged: 1r ( sS [...]; it of 1r-Mnw ; recto 1; see Remarks)
Remarks: Names, Titles: Eyre, SAK 11 (1984), 196 and 198, note a, reads sS 1r [ n pA 2r ] "scribe Hori of the Tomb(?)]" in recto 1; this is followed by Kitchen and Wente, but not by McDowell. According to Davies, Who's Who , 168-171, the draughtsman 1r-Mnw (i) was the son of the draughtsman 1r (ix); see also Eyre, op. cit. , 200 . McDowell, Village Life , 215, incorrectly has "High Priest" for Hm-nTr in verso 6.

Record last updated 2007-08-28

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