P. BM EA 10433
Other nos.: LRL 27A; P. Salt 1821/128; 9 A.96
Description: Papyrus sheet, 11 x 10 cm. Broken in 5 horizontal strips. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. Damaged at the right of the recto, perhaps also at the bottom, beginnings of all lines lost. In black ink 3 lines on the recto and 4 lines (including address) on the verso. Address at the bottom of the verso. Very tall writing on the recto, smaller on the verso.
Classification: letter : deficit
Keywords: illness - message
Provenance: Acquired by the British Museum in 1821 with the collection of H. Salt formed in 1818 or 1819 in Thebes.
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , XI and XVI (description), 43 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pl. 46 (photographs); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 59 (translation).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); during wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: Incomplete letter from an unknown sender to the scribe 7ry . Mention is made of "the illness" and a guardian of the sender.
Terminology: NN n NN (rt. ~1#; vs. ~4#); hAb (verso ~2#); Hna Dd (recto 1)
Names/Titles: an. (pA sAw ink ; recto ~3#); 7ry (sS ; recto ~1#; verso ~4#)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2004-10-13

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