P. Berlin P 10496 | |
Other nos.: | - |
Description: | (Dark) brown papyrus, 28 x 20.5 cm. Recto 17 lines in black ink, verso 15 lines in black but beginning of verso 6 in red ink, verso 15 (docket) written upside down along lower edge. Top recto = bottom verso. Damaged; first half of recto 15-17 and verso 1-3 lost. See Remarks. |
Classification: | protocol : deposition - oath : dispute |
Keywords: | chapel - coffin - commissioning - conflict - document - drinking - inspection - message - oath - tomb (private) - vessel - woodwork - mHy - onb.t |
Provenance: | Acquired by H. Schäfer in Luxor in 1909. |
Publication: | Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 277-280 (no. 265), pl. 80-83 (photograph, transcription, translation and commentary); Blackman, JEA 12 (1926), 177-181 (translation, commentary); G. Burkard, H. Fischer-Elfert, Aegyptische Handschriften 4 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX, 4), Stuttgart 1994, 67, no. 92 (description; transcription and transliteration of recto 1 and verso 14); Erman, Zwei Aktenstücke ... , 331-336, 339-347 (transcription, translation, commentary); Helck, Materialien III, 348 and 349 (translation recto 1-14 and verso 6-12; commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 476-478 (transcription); Wilson, JNES 7 (1948), 139, nos. 57 and 58 (translation verso 1-5 and 11-14; commentary) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 21 I Smw sw 7 nswt-bity Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (recto 1); rnp.t-sp 24 I Smw sw 30 (verso 6) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 21 Ramesses III and year 24 Ramesses III (Allam, Blackman, Burkard and Fischer-Elfert, Erman, Helck, Kitchen) |
Contents: | A committee inspecting the tomb of the workman 2a-m-Nwn found that it could be reached through the (nearby) tomb of the workman Imn-m-Ip.t (the speaker). The latter was asked to open his tomb. When inspected, it turned out that this tomb contained an uninscribed coffin. The matter was settled by an oath (by Imn-m-Ip.t ?). Three years later, Imn-m-Ip.t had a quarrel about his tomb with the workman Wn-nfr , who was accused of throwing the 'mistress' of Imn-m-Ip.t (i.e. the mummy of a female ancestor?) out of the tomb. This matter was also settled by an oath. See Remarks. |
Terminology: | anx n nb anx wDA snb (verso 11); wAH Imn wAH pA HoA anx wDA snb (verso ~1#); m bAH onb.t sDm.y.w (verso 13); hAb (recto 16); hrw pn sip.t ir.n NN (recto 1-2); hrw pn onb.t sDm.y.w ( vs. 7); smi n=i NN Hna NN (verso 6-7); tA hry.t n.t tA aHa.t i.md.t NN (verso 15/docket) |
Names/Titles: | an. (pA HoA anx wDA snb ; verso 1); an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; verso 4); an. (tAy=i Hnw.t ; f.; verso 10); Imn (deity; verso [1]); Imn-m-Ip.t sA Ra-mry (rmT-is.t ; verso 6); Imn-m-Ip.t (rmT-is.t ; recto 5); Imn-ms (v erso 9); Imn-nxt (sS n TAty ; recto 7, verso 8); Imn-nxt (sS ; recto 2, 5, 17, verso 13); Imn-xa (idn.w ; recto 3, 5-6, verso 9); In-Hr-xa (idn.w ; recto 2-3, 6); In-Hr-xa (aA n is.t ; verso 8; cf. 2a ); ax-p.t (sS ; recto 16); Wn-nfr sA Pn-Imn (rmT-is.t ; verso 7); Wn-nfr (sS ; recto 2); BAk (verso 10); BAk-n-wrnr (rmT-is.t ; recto 10); PA-bAk (verso 13); Nfr-Htp (AT.w ; recto 6, verso 14); nswt-bity Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; recto 1); 1r sA 1y-nfr (recto 10); 1sy-sw-nb=f (rmT-is.t ; verso 8); 2a (aA n is.t ; verso 13 - for In-Hr-xa ); 2a-m-Nwn (rmT-is.t ; recto 4 - written 2a-Nwn ; 11 - no title); 2nsw (aA n is.t ; recto 2, 11, verso 7-8, 13) Incomplete: [...] (sS ; rt. 17) |
Remarks: | Description: one or more lines lost at bottom recto (top verso)? Text from the middle of verso 4 to verso 14 by a hand different from preceding text according to Allam, Blackman, Burkard and Fischer-Elfert, Erman. According to Erman, verso 1-4 are also in a different (third?) hand. Contents: text related to O. BM EA 5624 and O. Florence 2621. |