P. Berlin P 14449i + P. Berlin P 14485d
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, joining fragments: (14485d) 4.5 x 8 cm, (14449i) 2.5 x 2.5 cm (see Remarks); position of 14449i is underneath 14485d. Black and red ink, recto 6 lines (plus one group of red signs between lines 2 and 3), verso blank. Handwriting different from P. Berlin P 14448 and from 14485b+c. Damaged; beginnings and ends of all lines lost; only traces of recto 1.
Classification: journal : absence - name
Keywords: inactivity
Provenance: No indication
Publication: H. Fischer-Elfert, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 101, 104, 106 and 107, pls. XX and XXI (description, photographs, transcription, translation, commentary); G. Burkard, H. Fischer-Elfert, Aegyptische Handschriften 4 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX, 4), Stuttgart 1994, 75-76, no. 104 (description, commentary); U. Kaplony-Heckel, Aegyptische Handschriften 3 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX, 3), Stuttgart 1986, 70, no. 210 (description of P. Berlin P 14449i, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, Seti II or Siptah (Burkard, Fischer-Elfert)
Contents: Journal (dates lost) recording absence of workmen.
Terminology: wsf (over recto 3, recto 3, 4, 6) Incomplete: [...] m pA mtn NN (recto 2)
Names/Titles: Ipwy (recto ~2#); PA-Sd (recto 3, ~5#); PA-Sd sA 1H [...] (recto ~4#: PA-Sd sA 1H-nxw ? See Remarks); 2Am (recto ~3#, 4) Incomplete: [...] -nxt (recto 6)
Remarks: Description: measures of P. Berlin P 14449i as given by U. Kaplony-Heckel, Aegyptische Handschriften 3 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX, 3), Stuttgart 1986, 70 . Names, Titles: Fischer-Elfert (in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 104) reads 1h- [ nxt ] (sic; for 1h-nxw ) in recto 4. For 1h and 1H-nxw as different names of the same person, see Bierbrier, Late New Kingdom , 25; Davies, Who's Who , 275.

Record last updated 2003-12-17

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