P. Bibliotheque Nationale 199, V-IX + 196, V + 198, IV
Other nos.: LRL 03
Description: Papyrus sheet, 19.5 x 19 cm, consisting of 7 adjoining fragments. A horizontal sheet join is visible about 8.5 cm from the top of the recto. There are 5 horizontal folds. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 14 lines of writing on the recto and 16 lines on the verso. No address preserved. Damaged at right - from 2 or 3 cm at the top to 7 or 8 cm further down missing - and a narrow strip lost at the top of the recto, causing loss of writing at the beginnings of all lines. As a result of folding breaks have caused effaced or missing writing in several lines. Correction by the scribe in verso line 9.
Classification: letter
Keywords: agriculture - arrival - beer - bread - commissioning - conflict - document - gold - grain - junior - message - offering - temple - vegetables - woodwork
Provenance: Acquired by the Bibliotheque Nationale from the collection of F. Cailliaud formed in 1817 or 1818 in Thebes.
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , VII (description), 5-7 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 88-89 (photographs; see Remarks); Spiegelberg, Correspondances , 54-55 (transcription of 196, V), 82-86 (transcription of 199, V-IX), pls. VII, VIII (photographs of 196, V and 199, V-IX); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 21-24 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 186-187 no. 309 (translation).
Dates mentioned: [...] pr.t sw 13 (recto 4)
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 10 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente)
Contents: A message from the necropolis scribe 9Hwty-ms to his son Bw-th-Imn , informing that he has reached his superior (the General) who treated him well, and telling his son not to neglect the agricultural tasks and give attention to 5d-m-dwA.t , her children, 1m.t-Sri.t and her little daughter. Further he is not satisfied with how his son has operated in the matter of a certain amount of gold; he tells him to pay attention to some people and he asks for a letter with information about family members.
Terminology: NN n NN (recto ~1#); hAb (verso 6, ~8#, 15); Hna Dd r nty (verso ~12# - written Hna Dd nty ); Sa.t (verso 6,~8#)
Names/Titles: an. (pAy=i Hr.y ; recto 4, 9); an. (nA wHa.w Apd.w ; verso 7); an. (f.; nAy=s aDd.w Sri.w ; of 5d-m-dwA.t ; recto ~13-14#; verso 10); an. (f.; tAy=s aDd.t Sri.t ; of 1m.t-Sri.t ; recto 14; verso 9); an. (rmT ; verso 2); an. (rmT nb ; verso 11); Imn-Ra-1r-Ax.t.y (deity; recto 2); Bw-th-Imn (sS n pA 2r ; recto 1); PA-aA-DADA (verso 11); 1m.t-Sri.t (f.; recto 14; verso 9); 5d-m-dwA.t (f.; recto 13; verso ~10#); 6A-nDm.t (f.; verso 11); dmi 9bA (geo.; verso 7); 9Hwty-ms (sS n pA 2r aA Sps.y n HH.w m rnp.w.t n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto ~1#). Incomplete: [...] (f.; verso 11)
Remarks: Publication: the photographs of the fragments are published in the wrong order: pl. 88 above = recto lines 14-16; pl. 88 below = verso lines 4-16; pl. 89 above = recto lines 1-13; pl. 89 below = verso lines 1-3.

Record last updated 2023-03-15

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