P. DeM 02
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, 13.6 x 21.5 cm. Black ink, recto (V/H) 8 lines, verso (H/V) 8 lines, lines on recto perpendicular to fibres, top recto = top verso. Damaged, gaps in recto 3, 4 and 5, verso 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8.
Classification: account : portion - transfer
Keywords: bread - cakes - fat - feast - fruit (see Remarks) - grain rations - junior - offering - oil - procession - term - vegetables - vessel - woodwork
Provenance: Probably excavations Deir el-Medina 1928; trapezoid space south of P 1165 (Posener, in: Černý, P. DeM I, vii)
Publication: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh I, 12, pls. 17 and 17a (description, photographs, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 259 and 260 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: I Ax.t sw 27 (recto 1); IV Smw sw 20 + x (recto 1); III pr.t sw 30 (verso 5)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses V (Kitchen)
Contents: List of items given to a woman (who appears as I. sg. in recto 1, 7, and as III. sg. f. in verso 2, 4, 7 and 8?) by different men. Items include wheat, barley, bread, oil, fat, vegetables, cakes, woodwork. Part of the transfers are associated with religious events. See Remarks.
Terminology: i.in n=i NN (recto 7); i.in=f (recto 2) ; wHm (recto 6, 7, 8; verso 4, 6, [7]); m a NN (recto 3); m Dr.t NN (recto 8); m Dr.t=f (recto 7); nfr.y.t (recto 1); r rdi.t rx=tw pA di.w i.di=f n=i Abd ? sw ? nfr.y.t Abd ? sw ? (recto ~1#); r rdi.t rx=tw pA di.t n=f (verso 1)
Names/Titles: Imn-Htp (recto 8); Imn-Htp (deity; verso ~3#; see Remarks); Nb-nfr sA 2nsw (recto 7-8); 1r (deity; verso 2, 6); 1r-nfr (recto 8); 2nsw (recto 3); 6A-wr.t (deity; verso 4)
Remarks: Keywords: read [ Hoo ] gb 1 in recto 3; cf. e.g. O. Brussels E 6311 obv. 9. Contents: for the connection between this document and the Chester Beatty, other DeM and Naunakhte papyri, cf. Pestman, in: Gleanings , 155. Names: Imn-Htp (deity) also in verso [5]? Line ends in Z7-G7.

Record last updated 2024-07-15

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