P. DeM 19
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus. Black ink, one side (H/V), 7 lines. Damaged (fragmentary).
Classification: letter
Keywords: basketry(?) - commissioning - document - message - vessel - woodwork(?) - mtr.t (?)
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, 1, pls. 2 and 2a (description, transcription, photograph)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 or Dyn. 20 (Koenig)
Contents: Instruction about a sieve and a jar. The recipient of the letter has to hand over the sieve to the doorkeeper Pn-pA-iw .
Terminology: Sa.t (~5#)
Names/Titles: Pn-pA-iw (ir.y-aA ; ~6-7# - or Pn-pA-mr ) DAMAGED [...]-Hb (~4#?)
Remarks: What is xry [...] m-bAH=k Dr sp- 2(?) (~3-4#)? Transcription by Koenig rather unprecise; see remarks on this text by Winand, CdE 68 (1993), 85 (the correction gb.kwi in line 3 eludes us: we do not see k , i.e. V 31).

Record last updated 2002-02-06

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