P. DeM 26
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, 2 fragments: (A) 22.5 x 18.5 cm, sheet join at 6 cm from left edge (Koenig); black ink, recto (H/V) 21 lines, verso (V/H) two columns of 15 and 12 lines respectively, dates in recto 9, 13 and verso II 12 red, top recto = top verso; palimpsest; damaged (fragmentary), ends of all lines of recto and verso II lost, unknown number of lines lost at bottom. (B) 16.5 x 13.5 cm plus small unplaced fragments a-f; black ink, recto (H/V) 13 lines, verso (V/H) 13 lines, recto 1, recto 9 (date) and verso 1 red, top recto = top verso; damaged, beginnings of all lines on recto and verso lost, ends of recto 2-10, 12 and 13 and all lines on verso lost, unknown number of lines lost at bottom.
Classification: protocol : account - deposition - oath - oracle
Keywords: adultery - appointment - beating - brand - chapel - coffin - death - donkey - gang - garden - granary - hearing - hut - inspection - junior - lamp - message - oath - oil - oracle - place - punishment - seal (see Remarks) - silver - textile - Valley of Kings - vessel - woodwork - yom - xtm - onb.t
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, 4, pls. 12-15a (description, transcription, photographs); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 297-301, pls. 92-96 (translation, commentary, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 461-466 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: I Smw sw 7 (A recto ~9#); I Smw sw 8 (A recto 13); I Smw(?) [...] (A recto ~21#); rnp.t-sp 16 I Smw sw 20 + x (A verso II ~1#); I Smw sw 14 (A verso II ~12#); I pr.t sw 20 (B recto 9)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 or Dyn. 20 (Koenig); Dyn. 20, year 16 Ramesses III (Kitchen)
Contents: Various legal cases: dispute about coffin and "place(s)", rest unclear, oath (A recto 1-9; see Remarks); onb.t -session about 2nsw 's promotion to "chief" (Hr.y ), and punishment of 6nr-MnTw (?) (A recto 9-13); dispute (involving the scribe Wn-nfr ) about cloth and lamps, oracle of Amenhotep, oath (A recto 13-21); giving a donkey to one 1r (A verso I); case involving PA-Ra-Htp , a bed and much silver (A verso II); case and oath involving more than one woman, a coffin, a shield, and a garden (B recto 1-9); case involving a woman, assault(?), compensation, oath, rest unclear (B recto 9-13); case of adultery (B verso 1); case about sgnn -oil and an identifying brand, foremen and gang gathered in the temple of Ptah (owner of the oil?), two men being found guilty and punished, oracle of Amenhotep (B verso 2-12).
Terminology: ir ink (? A recto 10); ir n (A verso I 6, 8); anx n nb anx wDA snb (A recto ~6#, 7, ~20#; B recto 4, 9, ~10#); wAH PtH (A recto ~15#); wHm NN smi n NN (A verso II ~9#); m bAH NN (A recto 9; B recto 8); mi n=i pAy=i nb (A recto [18]-19?); mi n=i pAy=i nb nfr (A verso II 3); mDA.t (B recto 8) ; r DbA=s (B recto 11); smi (A recto 8, A verso II 6); sDm r n NN (A recto ~1#?); Dd in NN m bAH onb.t sDm.y.w (A recto 9); Dd in NN n NN [...] (A recto ~13#) Incomplete: wAH [...] (A recto ~20#); [...] onb.t sDm.y.w (A recto ~12#)
Names/Titles: an. ( AT.w ; B recto 5); an. ( pAy=i nb ; deity; A recto [18]-19 (?); pAy=i nb nfr ; A verso II 3); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; A recto ~10#; B fragment a); an. ( rwD.w.w ; A recto 8); an. ( Hwty.w ; B recto 1); an. ( Hmw.w ; A recto ~2#); Ii ( anx n niw.t ; f.; A recto ~3# (?); see Remarks ); Imn-m-In.t (A recto ~1#, ~4#, ~5#, 7, 13; B verso 10, ~11#); Imn-nxt ( sS ; A recto 12); Imn-nxt ( sS n tmA ; A recto ~4#); Imn-nxt (A recto ~15#); Imn-Htp anx wDA snb (deity; A recto ~18#; B verso 9); aA-nxt.w (A recto 13; B recto ~2#); Wab.t (f.; B recto 4); Wn-nfr ( sS ; A recto 12, 13, ~19#); BAy sA 1y-nfr (B verso 7); BAk (f.; B recto 11?); PA-ym (A recto ~13#); PA-Ra-Htp (A verso II ~6#, 9); PA-sr [...] ( sS ; A verso II 11; see Remarks); Nfr-ab.t (A ~7# - twice); Nfr-sn.w.t (B recto 7, 8); Nxw-m-Mw.t (B recto 3); NDm-Mw.t (f.; B recto 3); 1Ay (A recto 6); 1Ay ( aA n is.t ; A recto 12); 1y (A recto 5, ~13#); 1r (A verso I bottom); 2r.ti (A recto ~21# - or 2r.y ?); 2a ( idn.w ; A recto ~9#); 2a-m-Ip.t (A recto ~8#); 2nsw ( aA n is.t ; A recto 9); 4i (f.; B recto 2); 4x.t (geo.; B recto [13] - or 4x.t aA.t ? B verso 3); OnnA sA 4A-WAD.t ( rmT-is.t ; B verso 9 - written sA WAD.t ); 6nr-MnTw (A recto 11; B verso 7) DAMAGED [...]- nxt.ti (f.; B recto 4); [...] -Sri (f.; B verso 10); [...] ( aA n is.t ; A recto ~9#); [...] ( Hr.y-mDAy ; A verso II ~10#)
Remarks: Not belonging to Naunakhte dossier (as stated in Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, 4; cf. Koenig, RdE 40 (1989), 194). See for corrections: Koenig, RdE 40 (1989), 194 and 195; Winand, CdE 68 (1993), 85 and 86. Keywords: read Dba ( .t ) "seal" in A recto 12 and xt "seal (impression)" in B recto 1, B verso 5; see Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 298 ("Siegel"). Description: "Sheet join" visible on A recto according to Koenig, in: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, 4, not convincing. Content: recto 1-8 probably same case as in O. DeM 225 : McDowell, Jurisdiction , 163 ; Haring, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium AD , 149; Demarée, in: Living and Writing in Deir el-Medine , 60 and 61 . Names, Titles: read anx n niw.t Ii in A recto 8, instead of anx n niw.t 6 ii ? Cf. O. DeM 225. A verso II 11 : sS PA-sr clear on photograph, but the transcription in Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, pl. 13 has PA-wr (sic).

Record last updated 2011-11-23

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