P. Turin Cat. 1879 + P. Turin Cat. 1899 + P. Turin Cat. 1969 | |
Other nos.: | P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 032-033; Turin Mine Map |
Description: | Papyrus, 41 x 282 cm (see Remarks). Black ink. Recto: drawing of a desert landscape with road and structures, and with captions in hieratic: nos. 1 (1 line), 2 (1 line), 3 (1 line), 4 (1 line), 5 (1 line), 6 (1 line), 7 (1 line), 8 (1 line), 9 (1 line), 10 (1 line), 11 (2 lines), 12 (1 line), 13 (1 line), 14 (1 line), 15 (1 line), 16 (7 lines), 17 (3 lines), 18 (5 lines), 19 (illegible), 20 (3 lines), 21 (1 line), 22 (1 line), 23 (2 lines), 24 (1 line), 25 (1 line), 26 (1 line), 27 (1 line), 28 (1 line). Verso: unknown number of columns and long line extending across the bottom edge. Verso A I 21 lines, A II 21 lines, E I 29 lines, E II 16 lines, F I 17 lines, F II 14 lines, G 6 lines, H 9 lines (with some additional lines to the left and beneath). Verso A I 1-3 is a separate column, the lines of which begin more to the left than verso A I 3-21; the right half of line 3 was written later than the left half. Top recto = top verso. See Remarks. Damaged; very fragmentary. Beginnings of verso A I 1 and 2 lost, beginnings of all lines of verso E I, F I, G and H lost; ends of verso A I 21, II 1-4, 7 and 8, verso E I 16-30 lost, ends of all lines of verso E II, F II and G lost. Unknown number of lines lost at the bottom of verso E II and F II. |
Classification: | account - letter - note : delivery - event |
Keywords: | alabaster - army - arrival - chapel - commissioning - copper - document - gold - house - hut - incense - lamp - measuring - message - Necropolis - oath - offering - silver(?) - statue - stela - stone - stone-work - temple - tomb (royal) - tools - vessel - village - well - woodwork - working - xtm |
Provenance: | Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45). |
Publication: | Cern Community of Workmen , 61 (transcription and translation of recto caption no. 18); Chabas, Les in s criptions des mines d'or , 30-36 with pl. (facsimile of recto frgts. 1-13, commentary); A.H. Gardiner, The Map of the Gold Mines in a Ramesside Papyrus at Turin, The Cairo Scientific Journal 8/89 (1914), 41-46 (translation of captions on recto, commentary); Goyon, ASAE 49 (1949), 337-392, pls. I and II (drawing, transcription and translation of captions on recto, commentary); Harrell-Brown, JARCE 29 (1992), 81-105 (drawing, description, translation of captions on recto, commentary on recto and verso); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 400, 401, 402 and 449 (translation of verso A I and II; see Remarks); Helck, Materialien II, (197) and (198) (translation of verso A I and II 1-2, commentary); Hovestreydt, LingAeg 5 (1997), 107-121 (translation of verso A I 3-21 and II 1-6, commentary); Janssen, JARCE 31 (1994), 91-97 (translation of verso A II 7-22, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 335-339 and 377 (transcription of verso A I and II); R. Lepsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden des Aegyptischen Alterthums , Leipzig 1842, pl. XXII (facsimile of recto frgts. 1-11 and 13); Lieblein-Chabas, Deux papyrus hiératiques , 41-43, pl. V (facsimile of recto frgts. E (= 17), F (= 18-19), K (= 21), H (= 20), I, J, M (= 25-26), translation of captions nos. 17, 18 and 25, commentary); A. Lucas and A. Rowe, The Ancient Egyptian Bekhen -Stone, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 38 (1938), 133-135 (facsimile of recto frgts. 17-21); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 94 and 95, no. 64 (translation verso A I 1-14, commentary); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 46 and 47, pls. 32 and 33 (facsimile of verso A I, commentary); E. Scamuzzi, Egyptian Art in the Egyptian Museum of Turin , New York 1965, pl. LXXXVIII (photograph of recto frgt. A); see Remarks |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 6 (recto no. 18 , 5); rnp.t-sp [...] (verso A I 1); rnp.t-sp 6 III Ax.t sw 20 (verso A II 7); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 1 (verso A II 13); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 7 (verso A II 15); rnp.t-sp 2 II Ax.t ...(?) (verso E II 9); rnp.t-sp 2 II Ax.t sw 10 + x (verso E II 14) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV (Harrell-Brown, Pleyte-Rossi); year 6 Ramesses IV (Helck); year 6 Ramesses VI (Helck, Janssen, Kitchen; see Remarks) |
Contents: | Recto: map of Wadi Hammamat with captions mentioning i.a. the extraction of gold and stone ( bXn ), and the transport of a royal statue of stone, which is placed in the Necropolis, beside the Ramesseum (frgt. 18). Verso A I 1-3: unfinished text about an oath taken by the scribe Imn-nxt in the presence of a woman(?). Verso A I 3-21 and II 1-6: text of a letter to the king in which the author describes a wood en statue of Ramesses VI, which is to be placed among the royal statues in a local chapel of Ramesses II. He asks to be given a person from the army who is to serve in the offering-cult of this statue; reference is made to a similar grant from King Ramesses II to the author's "father". Verso A II 7-21: the Necropolis scribe 1r is taken to the high priest of Amun, who orders that the copper tools of the Necropolis are to be collected. Seventeen days later the high priest receives an amount of copper from the chief workmen and the scribe 1r . Verso E: letter(s?) about i.a. work, and messages sent; E II 9 ff. are about the coming of the high priest and other officials to the xtm in regnal year 2, and the work on royal tomb equipment(?). Verso F and H literary: hymns? Verso bottom line: account of copper. |
Terminology: | iw r pA 2r (verso G 5); ir n (verso G 5, verso bottom line - 3 times); anx n nb anx wDA snb Dd.n=f (verso A I 3); wxA (verso E II 5); m bAH NN (verso A I ~2#); r nty (verso A I 15); hAb (verso E I 2, 10); hrw pn (verso A II 7, 15); hrw pn in NN (verso A I ~1#); Hsb.w (verso A II 21(?) - or dmD (?); see Remarks); sS (verso A II 9, E II 7); ky swDA ib (verso A I 15, E II ~2#); ky swDA ib n pAy=n nb r nty (verso E I ~10#) |
Names/Titles: | an. ( nA wa.w ; verso A I 20); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; verso A I ~8#, ~13#, verso E I 8, 11, 20, E II 5, bottom line frgt. H); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb pAy=i nb nfr ; king; written pAy nb nfr ; verso A I ~18#, A II ~5# - see Remarks); an. ( nswt nb ; king; verso A I 11); an. ( pA HA.t.y-a ; verso A II 1(?); see Remarks); an. ( Hwty nb n mSa ; verso A I 17 - written Hnty ); an. ( pA 4 Hwty.w ; verso A II ~10# - written Hnty.w ; nA Hwty.w n pA 2r ; verso A II 13 - written Hnty.w , 19 - written Hnty.w pA 2r ); an. ( Hm=f anx wDA snb ; king; verso A I 21); an. ( pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; verso A II ~7#, E II 3(?), 10; cf. Ra-ms-sw-nxt ); an. ( nA sr.w aAy.w ; recto no. 18 , 2); an. ( sS n tA s.t nA Sa.w.t n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso E II 10?); an. ( Sms.w nb ; verso A II ~2#); an. ( Sn n pA mSa ; verso A I 20); Imn (deity; recto no. 14); Imn pA Dw wab (deity; recto no. 10); Imn-ms sA 7Aw-n-Any ( sAw pr-HD ; verso A II ~12#, ~18#); Imn-nxt ( sS ; verso A I ~1#; sS n pA 2r xni ; verso G ~4#); Imn-Ra-nb-ns.t.y-tA.wy (deity; verso A I 8); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; temple of; verso A II 8, ~16#); Imn-hr ( Hmt.y ; verso bottom line, frgt. E?); In-Hr-xa ( aA n is.t ; verso A II ~17#); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra pA nTr aA (king; temple of; recto no. 18 , ~3#, verso A I 9); BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn pA nTr aA (king; verso A I ~11# - see Remarks); PA-nxt-m-Ip.t ( Sms.w ; verso A II ~11#); PA-Ra n tA nb (deity; verso A I 15); PA-Ra-1r-Ax.t.y (deity; verso A I 12, A II 6); PA-Hm-nTr (verso E II 12); PA-5w (deity; verso E I 5; written PAy-5w ); PAy-nDm ( Hr.y-sAw pr-HD ; verso A II ~12#; sAw pA pr-HD ; verso A II 18); Mn-mAa.t-Ra anx wDA snb (king; recto no. 8); Niw.t (geo.; verso A II 14); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( aA n is.t ; verso A II 20 - written Nxw ); Ns-9Hwty ( sS ; verso A II ~17#(?); see Remarks); nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn pA nTr aA pAy=i nb nfr (king; verso A I 19 - written pAy nb nfr ; see Remarks); nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra pA nTr aA (king; verso A I ~10#, 15); nswt-bity nb-tA.wy Nb-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn sA Ra nb xa.w Ra-ms-sw Imn-Hr-xpS=f nTr HoA Iwn.w anx wDA snb (king; verso A I ~3-4#); Ra-ms ( im.y-r pr-HD ; verso E II 10); Ra-ms-sw-nxt ( Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w ; verso A II 15-16); 1w.t-1r Hnw.t Imn.t.t (deity; f.; temple of; verso A I ~10#); 1r ( sS n pA 2r ; verso A II 7, 17; sS ; verso A II 20; id. with next?); 1r sA 2nsw ( sS (?); verso A II ~11#; see Remarks); 1oA-mAa.t-Ra (king; verso E II 6); 2a ( aA n is.t ; verso A II 20; for In-Hr-xa ?); 2nsw-ms ( sS ; verso A II 17; see Remarks); 4.t MAa.t (geo.; recto no. 18 , 3); 6A-wsr.t (queen; f.; verso A I 18); 6A-mnti (geo.; recto no. 9); 6n.t-pA-mr (geo.; recto no. 3?) Incomplete: [...] anx wDA snb (king; recto no. 18 , 2); [...] ( anx n niw.t ; f.; verso A I 2); [...] Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra [...] (king; verso E I 21, 24); an. ( nAy=n fA [...]; verso E I 27); [...] n pr Imn (verso bottom line, frgt. E); nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn [...] (king; verso E II 8); 4tX-nxt ([...]; verso E II 11); ... kh (geo.; recto no. 15) |
Remarks: | Description: measures according to Harrell-Brown, JARCE 29 (1992), 83; the minimum length of the document depends on the width of the gaps between the fragments. The recto captions are numbered 1-28 by Goyon, ASAE 49 (1949), pls. I and II; the fragments of recto are numbered A-P by Harrell-Brown, JARCE 29 (1992), 84, Fig. 3. The reconstruction of the order of fragments by these authors is different. The columns numbered I and II by Hovestreydt ( LingAeg 5 (1997), 107-121), Janssen ( JARCE 31 (1994), 91-97), and Kitchen ( Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 335-339) are on fragment A (Harrell-Brown). Newly added fragments now supply the beginnings of verso I 3-21 (Hovestreydt, LingAeg 5 (1997), 107, note * and 109 (a)). Publication: much of the text on verso remains unpublished; use has been made here of unpublished transcriptions by R.J. Demarée of fragments E-H; the columns on these fragments are numbered E I-II, F I-II, G and H. Recto II 7-22 is translated twice in Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 400, 401, 402 and 449. Dates attributed: Ramesses IV in Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 400, 401 and 402; Ramesses VI in ibid. , 449. Terminology: both Hsb.w and dmD very uncertain in verso A II 21; see Janssen, JARCE 31 (1994), 93 (v). Names, Titles: for the reconstruction [ BA-n-Ra ] in verso A I 11, see Hovestreydt, LingAeg 5 (1997), 110 (r); cf. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 336: [ Wsr-mAa.t-Ra ]. For Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn in verso A I 19, see Hovestreydt, LingAeg 5 (1997), 112 (ii). For HA.t.y-a in verso A II 1, see ibid ., 114 (rr). Verso A II 5 pAy ( =i ) [ nb nfr ]: ibid ., 109. For the Necropolis scribe 1r son of 2nsw (verso A II 7 and 11) , see Janssen, JARCE 31 (1994), 92 and 96. For the scribes 2nsw-ms and Ns-9Hwty in verso A II 17 , see ibid ., 93, notes q and r. |