P. Turin Cat. 1880 | |
Other nos.: | Turin Strike Papyrus; TSP; P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 035-048; RAD 45-58 |
Description: | Dark brown papyrus, 40.5 x 91 cm, sheet joins at ca. 22.5 cm, 46 cm and 70 cm from right edge of recto. Black and red ink. Recto (H/V) 4 columns: column I 10 + 6 lines (numbered 1-10 and x + 12-17); column II 20 lines; additional line verso I a extending over columns I and II, verso I b over column II; column III 22 lines (plus additional lines 18a and 19a; lines 19 and 20 separated by horizontal line with large sign Möller no. 35 to the right); column IV 23 lines (plus additional line 16a; lines 17-23 upside down with respect to 1-16). Blank space (width 10.3 cm) along left edge of recto. Verso (V/H) 8 columns: column I 20 lines; column II 19 lines; column III 32 lines (line 1 long line extending over columns IV-VII; lines 24-27 to the left of 4-6, lines 28-30 to the left of 12 and 13; lines 31 and 32 to the left of 23); column IV 17 lines (numbered 2-18, see Remarks); column V 18 lines (numbered 2-20, verso V "19" is actually the continuation of verso III 32); column VI 16 lines (numbered 2-17, lines 9-11 extending under column VII); column VII 7 lines; column VIII 9 lines. Recto palimpsest? see Remarks. Damaged; beginning of recto I 1 and ends of recto I 1-4 lost, lower half of recto I lost except for the ends of lines 11 and x + 12-17, only traces remain of recto III 22 and verso I 20, gap in verso III 32 and verso VI 11, ends of verso VI 12-16 lost, ends of all lines of verso VIII lost, unknown number of lines lost beneath verso VI-VIII(?). |
Classification: | account - deposition - journal - list - memorandum - oath : deficit - delivery - expense - event - name - portion |
Keywords: | adultery - apportioning - arrival - basketry - brand - bread - bronze - cakes - cattle - commissioning - complaint - copper - death - departure - door - fat - feast - firewood - fish - gang - grain - grain rations - granary - ivory (see Remarks) - jewelry - junior - mat - message - metalwork - Necropolis - oath - offering - oil - passing (guard posts) - Place of Pharaoh - plaster (see Remarks) - pottery (see Remarks) - punishment - river-bank - sandals - side (of gang) - stall - stone - temple - textile - tomb (royal) - tools - treasury - vegetables - vessel - village - water - woodwork - xtm - smd.t - Sxr - onb.t |
Provenance: | Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45). |
Publication: | Gardiner, Ramesside Administrative Documents , xiv-xvii, 45-58, no. XVIII (description, transcription, commentary); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 310-312, no. 276 (translation and commentary of recto III 6-13 and verso V 2-VI 5); Baer, Orientalia 34 (1965), 431 (transliteration and translation of recto II 6-10); Černý, Community of Workmen , 185, 186, 188 and 189 (translation and commentary of verso II 8-17 and verso III 2-IV 11); Demichelis, in: Les artistes de Pharaon , 208 and 209, no. 162 (photograph of recto, commentary, bibliography); A.M. Donadoni, E. Leospo, E. d'Amicone, A. Roccati, S. Donadoni, Il Museo Egizio di Torino. Guida alla lettura di una civiltà , Novara 1988, 170 (photograph of recto II-IV); Edgerton, JNES 10 (1951), 137-145 (translation, commentary); Frandsen, JEA 75 (1989), 117 (translation of recto I 1-5, recto II 11 and 12, recto III 6-13, verso III 1); Frandsen, in: Studies Lichtheim I, 166-199 (translation and commentary of recto); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 304, 308-310, 313-315, 318 (translation recto I, II 1-20, III 1-18, 19a-22, IV 1-23, verso I a, b, III 1, 2-32, IV 2-11, VII 1-7); see also ibid. , 306; McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 36 no. 12, 192 and 193 no. 147, 235 and 236 no. 187 (translation and commentary of recto III 6-18, IV 1-16a, verso V 2-20, VI 2-5, 15, 16); Müller, in: Texte zum Rechts- und Wirtschaftsleben , 165-184 (translation, commentary); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 50-65, pls. 35-48 (facsimile, commentary) ; Polis, in: Ramesside Studies , 387-401 (transliteration, translation and commentary of verso II 8-19 and verso III 3); Rosmorduc, in: Aere Perennius , 677-683 (transcription, translation and commentary of recto II 20 - II 4); Ventura, Living in a City of the Dead , 90, 101, 121-123, 139 and 140 (transliteration and translation of recto I 1-6; recto II 6, 8-12, 15-16, 19-20; recto III 4-5, 7-15; recto IV 16-23; verso III 1; commentary); Vernus, RdÉ 32 (1980), 121-124 (translation and commentary of recto II 20-III 4) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 29 III Ax.t sw 2 (verso III 2); rnp.t-sp 29 IV Ax.t sw 30 (verso V 2); rnp.t-sp 29 I pr.t sw 2 (verso II 8); I pr.t (recto II 5); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 10 ( recto I ~1#, verso III 1); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 11 ( recto I 6, verso I a); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 12 (recto I 7); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 13 (recto IV 23); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t sw 17 (verso III 24); rnp.t-sp 29 II pr.t [...] (verso III 1); rnp.t-sp 29 III pr.t (recto II 6); rnp.t-sp 29 IV pr.t sw 28 (recto II 18); rnp.t-sp 29 I Smw sw 2 (recto II ~1#? recto III 6); I Smw (recto III 6); rnp.t-sp 29 I Smw sw 13 (recto III 14); rnp.t-sp 29 I Smw sw 16 (recto IV 1); rnp.t-sp 29 I Smw sw 25 (verso VII ~1#); rnp.t-sp 30 II Ax.t sw 10 (recto III ~20#?) ; II pr.t [...] (verso VIII 2); III Ax.t sw 10 + x (verso VIII 4); IV Ax.t [...] (verso VIII 5, 6); I pr.t sw 3 + x (verso VIII 7?) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20 (Demichelis), year 29 Ramesses III and year 30 Ramesses III (Allam, Cern Edgerton, Frandsen, Gardiner, Helck, Pleyte-Rossi, Polis, Rosmorduc, Vernus) |
Contents: | Recto: regnal year 29, II pr.t day 10, the gang of workmen pass the five guard posts of the Necropolis and sit down near the temple of Thutmose III, where they spend the day in spite of the Necropolis authorities demanding them to return (recto I 1-5). The next two days the workmen set out to the temple of Ramesses II, where they demand that the lack of Necropolis supplies be reported to Pharaoh and to the vizier. They are given the grain rations due for the previous month (recto I 7 - recto II 5). II pr.t day 13, the chief policeman MnTw-ms urges the workmen to go to the temple of Seti I together with their women and children (recto IV 16-23). III pr.t (no date), passing the guard posts; the workman Ms threatens to rob a tomb; the Necropolis authorities demand the return of the workmen but they refuse, saying that they wish to mention certain abuses to Pharaoh, which is considered right by their superiors (recto II 6-17). III pr.t day 28, departure of the vizier 6A , who had come to collect the statues of the gods of the South for the sd -festival; he has supplied half of the grain rations due; this is communicated to the workmen by their superiors (recto II 18 - recto III 5). I Smw day 2, distribution of the grain available for I Smw to the gang. The chief workman 2nsw says the workmen should go down to the river-bank to inform the vizier's children, but they are held back by the scribe Imn-nxt (recto III 6-13). I Smw day 13, the gang pass the guard posts and go to the temple of King Merenptah; there they call for the mayor of Thebes, who supplies them with some grain (recto III 14-18). I Smw day 16, the workman Pn-ano.t makes a statement about the crimes of his fellow workmen Wsr-HA.t , Pn-6A-wr.t and OnnA (recto IV 1-16a). Short memoranda: year 29, I Smw day 2, the death of the scribe Pn-6A-wr.t (recto II 1); Wsr-HA.t is mentioned in connection with "The Queens' Tomb" (recto III 18a); year 30, II Ax.t day 10, dispute(? see Remarks) between the scribe of the temples 1r and the Necropolis scribe Imn-nxt about lamp oil (recto III 20-22). Verso: (A/B) two lists of smd.t -personnel (verso I 1 - verso II 7; verso III 2 - verso IV 11). (C) Account of items given by Wsr-HA.t to a doctor, items to be divided between him and his former wife Mna.t-nxt.ti , and an oath by Wsr-HA.t about not being separated from his three daughters (verso V 2 - verso VI 2-5, 15 and 16). (D) delivery of cakes (verso I a-b); oath by the doorkeeper 2a-m - WAs.t about smd.t -personnel (verso II 8-19); note about the workmen passing the five guard posts and sitting down near the temple of King Thutmose III (verso III 1); accounts of the distribution of grain rations, vegetables and water for the workmen (verso III 24-32, verso IV 12-18, verso VI 6-14); going to the temple of Ramesses II (verso VII 2-7); fish deliveries (verso VIII 3-9). |
Terminology: | iw (to the right of verso VIII 4 and 7; see Remarks); iny.t in NN (verso I a); ir n (verso III 27, 30, verso V 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, verso VI 16); anx.w aAy (recto I 4); aHa n sm.w n pA 2r nty Hr a.wy NN (verso IV 12-13); wAH Imn wAH pA HoA anx wDA snb (recto II 8, verso II 10, verso VI 4); wa nb (verso III 27, 30); wnmy (verso II 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17); wnmy m Dr.t NN (verso VIII ~3#); wHm (verso VI 9, 13); m hAw (verso VI 6); mn (verso III 23, verso V 3); nty iw=tw r pS=w (verso V 13); nty in rm.w (verso III 19); nty ir.t oD (verso I 17? see Remarks); nty wn pA xtm (verso II ); nty fA mw n nAy pA 2r (verso I 1); nty fA rm.w (verso II 1); nty fA sm.w (verso I 8, verso III 12); nty fA mw (verso III 5; written nty fAy mw ); nty m rxt.y (verso IV 9); nty n NN nty m a NN nty iw=tw r pS=w (verso V 13); nty n=f (verso V 20); nty n=s (verso V 20, verso VI 16); nty rxt (verso I 16); nty HA.t m di=s (verso VI 15?); nty Hr ir.t oD (verso IV 6); nty Sad xt (verso I 12, verso IV 2); nty od (verso I 19); rdy.t n pA swn.w in NN (verso V 3); hAb (recto II 4, 4); hrw pn (recto I ~1#, recto III 20, verso VIII 8); Hr wnmy (verso II 11); smi (in: Dd smi ; recto IV 15, verso VII 5); smHy (verso II 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, verso III 28); sxA.w (mark to the right of recto III 19 and 20); sDfA try.t (recto IV 3); tp n sHn nA smd.t pA 2r in NN (verso III 2-3); di.t di.w n Abd ? (verso III 24); dmD (verso I b, verso I 7, 11, 15, verso II 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, verso III 32, verso IV 18, verso V 12, 18, 20, verso VI 8, 9); dmD wDA.t=w (verso VI 9, verso VIII ~9#?); Dd ir.n NN n NN m Dd (recto III 20-21); Dd.n NN m bAH onb.t sDm.y.w (verso VI ~2#); Dd.t.n NN (recto IV ~22#); Dd.t.n NN m bAH NN (verso II 8-9); Dd.t.n NN n NN (recto IV 1) Incomplete: dmD hAw [...] (verso III ~32#) |
Names/Titles: | an. ( pA AT.w 2; recto I ~4#, recto II 12, verso III ~1#); an. (12 n in-mw ; verso II 11); an. ( ir.y.w ; recto II 15); an. ( nA it-nTr.w n pr pn ; recto II 2); an. ( pA idn.w ; verso III ~1#); an. ( pA idn.w 2; recto I ~3#, recto II 13); an. ( pA aA 2; recto I 8, verso III 31); an. ( pA aA n is.t ; verso III 25, 28, verso IV 14); an. ( pA aA n is.t 2; recto I 3, verso II 9, verso III 3); an. ( nA aA.w n pA xtm n pA 2r ; recto I 8); an. (10 wHa.w ; verso II 12); an. ( wa bnr ; verso II 15); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto I 5, ~x+17#, recto II 4 - pAy=n nb nfr , 10, recto III 17, recto IV 3 - pAy=i nb nfr , 15 - pAy=i nb anx wDA snb ; place of; recto II 17; temple of; verso III 1); an. ( nA ms-nswt.w n nswt Wsir Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb pA nTr aA ; recto IV 13-14 - aA omitted); an. ( nAy pA 2r ; recto I 10, verso I ~1#); an. ( nA nTr.w n a rsy ; deity; recto II 18); an. ( nA rwD.w.w n pA 2r ; recto IV 2); an. ( rxt.y s 4; verso II 17); an. ( pA rtH.t.y ; verso III ~31#); an. ( pA HA.t.y-a n Niw.t ; recto I 9, recto III 15, verso VII ~5#); an. ( pA 3 Hwty.w ; recto II 7, 11-12, verso III ~1#); an. ( pA 3 Hwty.w n tA is.t ; recto II 19); an. ( pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; verso VII ~5#); an. ( nAy=Tn Hm.w.t ; i.e. of workmen; f.; recto IV 18); an. ( nA Hm.w.t-nswt ; f.; tomb of; recto III 19); an. ( Hr.y.w ; recto II 15, recto IV 2); an. ( pA Hr.y-mDAy 2; recto I 8, ~x+16#); an. ( pA HoA anx wDA snb ; king; in oath; recto II 8, verso II 10, verso VI 4); an. ( nAy=Tn Xrd.w ; i.e. of workmen; recto IV 18); an. (3 Xrd.w of Wsr-HA.t ; f.; verso VI 4-5); an. ( Xrd.w of TAty ; recto III 8); an. ( pA swn.w ; verso V 3); an. ( sm ; verso VII 3; see Remarks); an. ( nA smd.t pA 2r ; verso III 2); an. ( pA sS ; verso III 26, 29, verso IV 15); an. ( pA sS n pA 2r ; verso II 9); an. ( pA sS n pA 2r xni ; recto I 3); an. (7 Sad-xt ; verso II 13); an. ( od s 4; verso II 16); an. (6 kAr.y.w ; verso II 14); an. ( TAty ; recto II ~4#-5 - pAy=n Hr.y , 20, recto III 2, recto IV 16a - pAy=i Hr.y , verso II 19); Iw=f-r-ix (verso I 5); Imn (deity; in oath; recto II 8, verso II 10, verso VI 4); Imn-m-Hb (verso II 5); Imn-m-Hb ( Xr.y-a of kAr.y PA-smn-nxt ; verso III 16); Imn-nxt ( sS ; recto III 9, 10, recto IV 1, verso III 3, verso VI ~9#); Imn-nxt ( sS n pA 2r xni ; recto II 13, recto III ~20#-19a; sS n pA 2r ; verso VI 3); Imn-xa (recto III 6, verso I 11); Imn-xa ( in-mw ; verso I 2); aA-mk.t ( od ; verso IV 11); Wn-nfr (verso VI 12); Wn-nfr sA Pn-6A-wr.t (verso IV 7); Wsir nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb pA nTr aA (king; tomb of; recto IV 6); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra (king; temple of; recto I ~6#, 7, ~10#, recto IV 7); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb (king; verso VII 7); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb pA nTr aA (king; temple of; verso VII 2); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (verso I 3); Wsr-HA.t (recto III 18a, recto IV 5, verso V 3, 13, verso VI 2); Wsr-HA.t-nxt ( in-mw ; verso III 8); Wsr-HA.t-nxt (recto III 7); BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; recto III 15); BAk-n-2nsw (verso I 13, 18); Bw.t=f-grg ( wHa ; verso III ~21#); PA-ib (verso IV 5); PA-Irs ( Xr.y-a of kAr.y PA-2r ; verso III 14); PA-aA-DADA ( in-mw ; verso III 11; see Remarks); PA-an (verso I 4); PA-Bs (verso VI 7 - written PAy-Bs ); PA-Bs ( sS ; recto III 21); PA-nb ( aA n is.t ; it of rmT-is.t Pn-ano.t ; recto IV 11); PA-nDm (verso I 6? or PA-NHs.y ? or PA-Hm-nTr ?); PA-rhny (verso I 7); PA-Hr.y-pD.t ( kAr.y ; verso III 17); PA-2r ( kAr.y ; verso III 13, verso IV 13); PA-smn-nxt ( kAr.y ; verso III 15); PA-twtw (verso IV 4); Pn-ano.t ( rmT-is.t ; recto IV 1); Pn-PA-xnty (verso II 4); Pn-Niw.t ( in-mw ; verso III 9); Pn-6A-wr.t (recto IV 5, 10, verso I 10, 16); Pn-6A-wr.t ( aA ; verso IV 8); Pn-6A-wr.t ( Hr.y-in-mw.w ; verso III 6); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS ; recto I 8); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS n pA 2r ; verso I a); Pn-6A-wr.t sA Imn-nxt ( sS |