P. Turin Cat. 1888 + P. Turin Cat. 2085/190
Other nos.: P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 061; RAD 64-68
Description: Papyrus, 21 x 66.5 cm, sheet joins at 11 cm, 31 cm, 49.5 cm and 64.5 cm from right edge of recto (H/V). Black ink (with one sign in red in recto I 1), inscribed on recto only, 2 columns: recto I 18 lines, recto II 14 lines. Palimpsest; traces of former texts in red ink on recto. Damaged; beginnings of all lines of recto I lost, further gaps in recto I 10-17, small gaps in all lines of recto II.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - event - name
Keywords: arrival - beer - boat - bread - cattle - commissioning - curd (see Remarks) - departure - firewood (see Remarks) - gang - grain rations - inactivity - lamp - oil - plaster - sending out - stone-work - temple - village - wood - woodwork - working - smd.t
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Gardiner, Ramesside Administrative Documents , xx and xxi, 64-68, no. XXII (description, transcription, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 565 and 566 (translation); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 77 and 78, pl. 61 (facsimile, translation and commentary of columns I and II)
Dates mentioned: III pr.t sw 11 (recto I 9); IV pr.t sw 10 + x (recto II 1); I Smw sw 20 (recto II 3); I Smw sw 22 (recto II 4); I Smw sw 28 (recto II 5); I Smw sw 29 (recto II 6); II Smw sw 7 (recto II 7); II Smw sw 10 (recto II 8); II Smw sw 15 (recto II 10); III Smw sw 10 (recto II 11); III Smw sw 13 (recto II 11); III Smw sw 19 (recto II 13); rnp.t-sp 18 IV Smw sw 24 (recto II ~14#; sw 14 or sw 18 also possible)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 17 Ramesses XI and year 18 Ramesses XI (Gardiner, Helck)
Contents: Journal recording various events: deliveries of curd and lamp oil (recto I 1, recto II 2 and 10? see Remarks); deliveries of loaves, beer and cattle in the temple of Ramesses III (recto I 2, 7 and 8); men producing plaster in the temple of Hathor (recto I 3 and 15, recto II 3 and 6) and their return (recto II 10); mention of fishermen (recto I 4); arrival of the vizier Wn-nfr and the overseer of the treasury Mn-mAa.t-Ra-nxt , and their commissioning of the gang (recto I 5 and 6); mustering workmen (recto I 9 and 10); sending men to the south to transport pieces of wood (recto I 10, recto II 11 and 13); working on beds for the vizier (recto I 12); handing over the beds to him (recto II 1); putting craftsmen to work on poles for the boat of the vizier (recto II 1, 2 and 5); the same craftsmen are ordered to work on parts of the boat of Amun (Imn-pA-ip.w ; recto II 8, 9 and 14); delivery of firewood (recto II 12, see Remarks).
Terminology: iw=w m pA snh (recto I 9); wp sn (recto I 2); wsf tA is.t (recto II ~14#); m Dr.t NN (recto II 10, 12); r HA.t nA sr.w (recto I 1?); r HA.t NN (recto I 14); Ssp m hrw pn m Dr.t NN (recto II 10; written Ssp m hrw m Dr.t NN ); Ssp m Dr.t NN m hrw pn (recto II 12); Ssp sHn n nA rmT-is.t n pA 2r in NN (recto I 6); Ssp=w m hrw pn (recto II ~2#); grH (recto II 11; written grH n ); dmD (recto II 5, 12); dmD s ? (recto II 9)
Names/Titles: an. (pA im.y-r pr-HD ; recto I 8; cf. Mn-mAa.t-Ra-nxt ); an. (nA rmT ; recto I 11, 13); an. (nA rmT n pA 2r ; recto I 7); an. (pA rmT 2 n nA smd.t-bnr ; recto II 3 - see Remarks); an. (nA rmT-is.t n pA 2r ; recto I 6, ~11#, ~14#); an. (nA rmT-smd.t ; recto I 3, 15 - pA 6 rmT-smd.t ); an. (pA HA.t.y-a ; recto II 12); an. (pA 4 Hmw.w ; recto II 5); an. (pA 6 Hmw.w ; recto II ~1# - twice, 4, 7, ~8#, 14); an. (pA 3 Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto II 3) an. (pA 4 Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I ~15#, 6, 10); an. (smd.t pA 2r ; recto I ~8a#); an. (nA smd.t-bnr ; recto II ~11#, 13); an. (nA sr.w ; recto I 1); an. (pA sS n tmA ; recto II 10; see Remarks); an. (TAty ; recto I 7, 12, recto II 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14; cf. Wn-nfr ); Ii-n-aS-n=f (Hmw.w ; recto II 9); Ii-n-aS-n=f (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I 3); Imn-pA-ip.w (deity; ship of; recto II 8, 14; see Remarks); Imn-pA-nfr (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I 15, recto II ~5#); Imn-m-Ip.t-nxt (wHa ; recto I 10 - written Imn-Ip.t-nxt ; recto I 11 - written Imn-Ip-nxt ); Imn-nxt sA Imn-Htp (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto II 3); Imn-Htp (idn.w ; Hmw.w ; recto II 9); Imn-xa (sAw ; recto I 14); Imn.t.t Niw.t (geo.; recto II ~4#, ~7#); aHAw.t.y-nfr (of smd.t-bnr ; recto II 11 - or aHA-nfr ?); Wn-m-di=i-MnTw (oD ; recto I 10, 11, recto II 3 - of smd.t-bnr ); Wn-nfr (im.y-r Niw.t TAty ; recto I 5, 6, 9 - sA ...?); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; recto I 7 ); BAk-Mw.t (of smd.t-bnr ; recto II 11); PA-aA-DADA (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto II 6 - or PA-aA-DADA-aA ?); PA-mry-n-Imn (Hmw.w ; recto II 9); PA-nb (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto II 6); PA-nfr-m-nb (wHa ; recto I 4 ; without title, of smd.t-bnr ; recto II 11 ); PA-nDm (Hmw.w ; recto II 9); PA-2r (oD of smd.t-bnr ; recto II 3 , 11 ); Pn-tA-wmt.t (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I 15, recto II ~5#); Pn-tA-dhn.t (of smd.t-bnr ; recto II ~ 11 # ); MAa.t (deity; f.; temple of; recto II 2); Mn-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (im.y-r pr-HD ; recto I 6); MnTw nb WAs.t (deity; temple of; recto I 13); MnTw-r-HA.t=f (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I 15 - written MnTw-HA.t=f ); Niw.t (geo.; recto I 5, recto II 2, 4, 5, 8, 14); Ns-Imn-m-Ip.t (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto I 15 - written Ns-Imn-Ip.t ; recto II 3 - written Ns-Imn-Ip.t ); Ns-PA-Ra (Xr.t.y-nTr ; recto II 3); nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; recto I 2 , recto II 10); 1w.t-1r (deity; f.; temple of; recto I ~3#, ~15#, recto II 3, 6, ~10#); 1r (idn.w pr-HD ; recto I ~2#); 1r (Hmw.w ; recto II 9); 1r sA pA sS n tmA (?) (sS ; recto II 10; see Remarks); 4rr ([...]; recto II 12); OA-Sw.t.y (sS-mSa ; recto I 8); OAy-Dr.t (wHa ; recto I ~4#); OAy-Dr.t (sAw ; recto II 2); OAy-Dr.t (recto II 11); KA-nxt (Hmw.w ; recto II 9); dmi Iw-m-itr.w (geo.; recto II 13 - written Iw-itr.w ); 9Hwty-ms (sS n pA 2r ; recto I ~17#, recto II 1); incomplete: [...] -MnTw (recto I 16 - cf. Wn-m-di=i-MnTw ); [...]- dhn.t (od ; recto I 16? cf. Pn-tA-dhn.t ); ... (rxt.y ; recto II 11?)
Remarks: P. Turin Cat. 2085 (not in Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin ) is part of the same document according to Magee, Malek, Checklist , 15; Janssen, Village Varia , 91. Keywords, Contents: smi , although usually translated as 'curd', might be the fuel for lamps in this text; see Cern Valley of the Kings , 45. Recto II 12: Drr = Dnr (branches of firewood)? Cf. Sauneron, RdÉ 7 (1950), 182-184. Names, Titles: on sS 1r sA pA sS n tmA in recto II 10 see Haring, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium AD , 147, note 104. In recto II 3 read smd.t-bnr (cf. recto II 11 and 13), rather than smd.t followed by wA.w as read by Janssen, Village Varia , 91. Name of deity in recto II 8 and 14 Imn-pA-ip.w according to Gardiner, Ramesside Administrative Documents , 99.

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