P. Turin Cat. 1903
Other nos.: -
Description: White to light brown papyrus, height 41 cm, sheet join visible on recto. See Remarks. Black and red ink; recto (H/V) 1 column of 8 lines, and one isolated sign in the centre (see Remarks); verso (V/H) 2 columns: verso I 9 lines with blank space underneath , verso II 31 lines. Blank space between verso II 26 and 27. Palimpsest; beginnings of verso II 2 and 6 written over the ends of verso I 4 and 8. Hence, verso I is the older text; its ink is also paler than that of verso II (see Remarks). Correction by scribe in verso II 23. Damaged; beginnings of all lines of verso I lost, end of verso II 14 and 24(?) lost, gaps in verso I 1, 2, verso II 15.
Classification: account : deficit - delivery - payment
Keywords: copper - fruit - Necropolis - oil - payment - palm leaves - reed - side (of gang) - temple - textile - treasury - wages - in.w - Hnk.y.t (?) - dHty
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 395-397 (transcription of verso II and recto ); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 571 (translation of verso II and recto )
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 4 m wHm ms.w.t (verso II 2); rnp.t-sp 5 m wHm ms.w.t I Ax.t sw 21 (verso II 6-7); rnp.t-sp 4 (verso II 9)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 23 Ramesses XI (Helck) = year 5 of wHm ms.w.t (Kitchen); year 4 of wHm ms.w.t (Kitchen)
Contents: Verso II and recto (presumably in this order): account of wages ( Htri ) for the gang issued by the deputy of the royal treasury 1r . The goods delivered include copper from temples and various officials, garments, oil from temple officials, and fruit, palm leaves and a liquid called Hnk.y.t (?) from Kush. Verso I: hymn (Kitchen) .
Terminology: iw m pA in.w n (verso II 13, 14, 15; see Remarks); iw m pA sgnn (verso II 26); iw m Dr.t NN (verso II 24); iw m Dr.t NN (verso II 19, recto 7); iw m Dr.t NN m pA Htri-rnp.t m pA in.w KS (recto 1); iw m Dr.t NN (verso II 11; see Remarks); iw m Dr.t=f r DbA (verso II 20); ir n (recto 6); wDA.t (between verso II 23 and 24, verso II 26); mi.t.y Htri nb dy r pA 2r (verso II 1); nty Hr Sd=f m Dr.t nA sr.w (verso II 27); swD n nA rwD.w.w n pA 2r (recto 8); swD n nA Hwty.w n pA 2r (verso II 11); smHy (verso II 3); sS (verso II 6); Ssp m Dr.t NN wnmy m pAy=sn Htri n rnp.t-sp ? (verso II 8-9); tp n Ssp=w (verso II ~18#, 23); dmD (verso II 10(?), 10); dmD sgnn (verso II 23) Unclear: di=tw ... sS.w (verso II 17?)
Names/Titles: an. (pA im.y-r pr-HD n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 4; cf. Wn-nfr ); an. (pA im.y-r pr n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w ; verso II 29); an. (pA im.y-r iH.w n Imn ; verso II 31); an. (pA aA n pr n 2nsw ; verso II 30); an. (aA n pr n tA Hw.t Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb ; verso II 28); an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; verso II 2); an. (nA rwD.w.w n pA 2r ; verso II 5, recto 8); an. (nA rwD.w.w n pr-HD n pr Imn ; recto 7); an. (nA Hwty.w n pA 2r ; verso II 11); an. (pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; recto 7); an. (nA sr.w ; verso II 27); an. (sS.w ; verso II 17); an. (5rdn ; verso II 25); an. (TAty ; verso II 3, ~15#, 25, recto 7); Imn (deity; temple of; verso I 6, recto 8); Imn-xa (sS n TAty ; verso II 5); Wn-nfr (im.y-r pr-HD n pr-HD n Pr-aA anx wDA snb (verso II ~3#); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; verso II 13); nswt Mn-mAa.t-Ra 4tX.y anx wDA snb (king; shrine of; verso II 12; written 4ti ); 1r (sS-nswt n Xnw idn.w n pr-HD n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 4-5; idn.w n pr-HD n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 8; idn.w n pr-HD ; verso II 11, 19; idn.w pr-HD ; verso II 24; idn.w n pr-HD ; recto 1); KS (geo.; recto 1) Incomplete: an. (pA aA n [...]; verso II 14; see Remarks)
Remarks: Description: partly based on observations by B. J.J. Haring ( in Turin, April 1995 ) and R.J. Demarée . Isolated sign or group in centre of recto (unpublished) reads dbn ? Terminology: iw in verso II 11, 13-15, 19, 20, 24 and 25 not in the margin right of the column, but as the first word in these lines; red in verso II 11, 13, 15, 20 and 25; black in verso II 14, 19 and 24. Names, Titles: in verso II 14 restore aA n [ St ] (so Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 571: "des Grossen der [Besteuerung" ) or aA n [ pr ] "superior of the house" (Haring, Divine Households , 228 note 4, 265 note 7)? Cf. verso II 28.

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