P. Turin Cat. 1906 + P. Turin Cat. 1939/001 + P. Turin Cat. 2047 | |
Other nos.: | P. Turin PN 934 |
Description: | Light to medium brown papyrus, ca. 30 x 59.5 cm as presently mounted (width 48 cm without loose fragments). Sheet joins at 19 cm and 42 cm from right edge of recto. Black and red ink (see Remarks); recto (H/V) 4 columns: column I main fragment (7 lines) and small fragments I (recto I x + 8 to x + 10) and II (recto Ia x + 1 to x + 5), column II 18 lines (see Remarks), column III 26 lines, column IV 15 lines (see Remarks); verso (V/H) 3 columns: column I 6 lines, verso II 25 lines, verso III 10 lines or more (see Remarks). No margins preserved on recto and verso, but large blank space over verso I. Top recto = top verso. Palimpsest; traces of former text in black and red in recto IV and on verso. Damaged (very fragmentary); only ends of lines of recto I (main fragment) preserved, beginnings of recto II 1-4 and 14-18 lost, lacunae in recto II 5-13 and III 1-4, ends of recto III 1-3 lost, beginnings of recto III 13-15 lost, ends of recto III 14-26 and IV 12-16 lost, beginnings of verso I 5 and 6 lost, end of verso I 6 lost, lacunae in verso II1-6 and 12-22, ends of verso II 13-25 lost, beginnings of verso II 23-25 lost. Second half of recto III 12 probably washed out by scribe (Kitchen); correction by scribe in verso I 1. |
Classification: | account - journal : deficit - delivery - expense - portion - transfer |
Keywords: | appearance - beer - boat(?) - bread - carrying stones - coffin - fish(?) - fruit - grain - grain rations - gang - granary - house - hut - junior - mat - message - offering - plaster - temple - textile (? see Remarks) - theft(?) - vegetables - wood - woodwork(?) - working - iwS ...(?) - msrr (?) |
Provenance: | Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45). |
Publication: | Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 624-630 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 481, 482, 486-491, 494-497 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 7 [...] (recto II 5); rnp.t-sp 7 III Ax.t sw 1 8 (recto III 5 - collated); rnp.t-sp 7 III Ax.t sw 25 (recto III 11? collated: rnp.t-sp 7 III Ax.t sw 2 6 also possible); rnp.t-sp 7 III pr.t sw 13 (recto IV 4); rnp.t-sp [...] (recto IV 12); rnp.t-sp 7 IV Smw sw 2 4 (verso I 1 - collated: correction over rnp.t-sp 7 IV Smw sw 30); IV Smw sw 30 (verso I 3); I Ax.t sw 16 (verso I 4); [...] sw 5 (verso I 5); ms.w.t Ra (verso II 9 = IV Smw ?); II Ax.t sw 9 (verso II 11); III Ax.t sw 2 (verso II 12); IV Ax.t [...] (verso II 15); IV Ax.t sw 12 (verso II 16); rnp.t-sp 8 I pr.t sw 7 (verso II 17?); rnp.t-sp 8 I pr.t sw 15 (verso II 18); I pr.t sw 10 + x (verso II 19); II pr.t sw 10 (verso II 20); II pr.t sw 20 + x (verso II 21 - collated: probably II pr.t sw 29); Pn-Imn-Htp (verso II ~22# = III pr.t ?); I Smw [...] (verso II 24); III Smw [...] (verso III ~1#); rnp.t-sp 9 I Ax.t sw 1 (verso III 4); II Ax.t sw 20 (verso III 6); III Ax.t [...] (verso III ~8#, ~11#); IV Ax.t sw ... (verso III 9 - collated: possibly IV Ax.t sw 20); IV Ax.t sw 30 (verso III 14) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 7 Ramesses IX, year 8 Ramesses IX, year 9 Ramesses IX (Helck, Kitchen) |
Contents: | Recto: accounts of grain rations delivered by different persons (various scribes, a priest, the mayor of Thebes and a ship's captain) and distributed to the gang on a number of dates in III Ax.t and III pr.t . Verso: deliveries of grain and other commodities. Verso II 6 ff.: commodities given to Ms (?) who has performed some 'days of working' (hrw n bAk ): manufacturing a coffin for PA-Hm-nTr and carrying stones. |
Terminology: | iw (recto IV 9); iny.t m pA 2r (verso III ~9#? ~12# ); iny.t m pA 2r m Abd ? (verso III 8, ~11#); iny.t m Dr.t NN (recto IV ~7#); iny.t n=f m Dr.t NN (verso III 10); ir n (recto II 9, 10, 12, 13; III 8, 9, ~13#, 15, 17, ~26#; IV 1; verso II 4, 12, 15); a n nA sS.w (recto III 4); aHa (verso II 13); wa nb (recto II 9, 10; III 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18; IV 8, 16); wp st (recto III 8, 12); wHm (recto IV 7); wHm m Dr.t NN (recto III 2); wHm n=f (verso II 2; III 7); wHm n=f m Dr.t NN (verso III 13); wDA.t (recto III 10; IV 10); m Dr.t NN (recto I ~3#; II 5; III 12 collated: unlikely; verso I 3, 4, 5; II 10, 12? ~16#, 20, 23; III 6?); mn (verso I 4); rdy.t n=f [...] (verso III 2); rdy.t n=f m pA di.w in NN (verso II ~12#); rdy.t n=f m tA Hs.w.t n Pr-aA anx wDA snb (verso II 10); rdy.t n=f m Dr.t NN (verso II 18; III 6); hAb (verso II 3); hrw pn (recto IV 4; verso I 1 - < hrw > pn ; verso III 14 - collated: doubtful); HA.w (verso I 5); st an n=f (recto IV 14 - in front of the line); Ssp (recto II 4); Ssp m Dr.t NN (recto III ~5#); Ssp n NN (recto III 11?); di.w n nA is.t nty Xn (recto III ~3#); dmD (recto II 7; III 6, 10; verso I 6); dmD it nb n Xr.t-rnp.t m Dr.t NN m nA it n rnp.t-s p ? (recto IV 9-~10#); dmD hAw nb (recto III 4; IV 8); dmD hAw nb wnmy smHy (recto IV 3); dmD hAw nb n hrw pn (recto III ~23#); Incomplete/unclear: rdy [...] (verso II 1); rdy.t n=f m pA ... (verso II 11); rdy.t n=f m msrr (verso II 8?); Ssp [...] NN m Dr.t NN (verso I 1); dmD hAw rdy [...] (recto III 24) |
Names/Titles: | an. ( nA is.t nty Xn ; recto II 7; III 3); an. ( aA ; recto III 18); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto IV 11, verso II 10); an. ( pA HA.t.y-a n Niw.t ; recto III 20, ~25#; recto IV 4 - HA.t.y-a only); an. ( Hwty.w ; recto II ~7#, ~12#; III 8 - Hwty.w s 4 , [14] - idem , 23); an. ( pA Hm-nTr n MnTw ; verso II 5); an. ( pA Hr.y-wsx ; recto III 22); an. ( sAw ; recto III 17); an. ( nA sS.w ; recto III 4); an. ( pA Sri n PA-Hm-nTr ; verso II 10); an. ( Sri.t of 1s ...(?); f.; verso II 14); Imn (deity; temple of; recto I 3); Imn-pA-1apy (recto II 17); Imn-nxt (recto Ia ~x + 3#); Imn-Htp (recto II 16; III 6; verso I 1, 4); Imn-Htp (deity; verso II 21, ~22#); Imn-xa ( Hr.y-wsx ; recto III 11); Imn-xa (recto II 18); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; house/granary of; recto IV 5); PA-an-xa ( sS ; recto II 6); PA-wa-Imn ( sS n pr Imn ; recto I 3); PA-nxw-rsy ( sS n pr [...]; recto I ~ 5 # -[6] ? ); PA-Hm-nTr (verso II 6, 10 - son of); MAa.t (deity; f.; temple of; recto IV ~7#); Mr=s-gr (deity; f.; recto IV 2); Ms (verso I 1, 3, 4; II 6, 7, 17 - collated, ~19#?); Niw.t (geo.; recto II 2, III 20, IV 5) Nfr-xa (recto II 6? see Remarks); Nxt-wsy ( sS n aA n St ; recto IV 5-6); Ns-Imn (verso I 1); Ns-PtH (verso II 15); 1r ( sS n tmA n Niw.t ; recto II ~2#; sS n tmA ; recto IV 4, 6, 7, ~9# ); 1r (verso II 20); 2a-m-WAs.t ( im.y-r Snw.t.y ; recto II 5; IV 9 - title only); 2nsw ( idn.w ; recto III 5); 2nsw-ms ( sS ; recto II 6, 6); 4.t MAa.t (geo.; recto III 21); Od-Hr-ix.t=f (recto Ia ~x + 5#); 6A-Sri (verso II 4) Incomplete/unclear: an. ( nA Ht ...; recto Ia x + 2?); an. ( pA sS [...]; verso II 12); I ... (verso I 5); In-Hr [...] (recto Ia x + 4); an- [...] ( aA ; recto II 9: an-Htp ?); aHA [...] (verso II 18); Pn [...] ( sS ; verso II 23); 1s ... (verso II 12; III 9, 13); 2nsw [...] ( aA ; recto II 10?); 4bk [...] ( sS ; recto I x + 8?); [...] ( wab ; recto III 2); [...] ( wHa ; recto III 1, 2); [...] ( sS ; recto III 12 collated: unlikely; verso III 6) |
Remarks: | Transcription collated in Turin in May 2000 by B. Haring. Keywords: ref. to clothing in verso II 11? Description: Parts of lines (dates and numbers) on recto in red ink. The position of the beginnings of recto II 5-13 ( 9 lines) does not correspond with that of the remaining parts of these lines ( 8 only) ; t here is nothing between the ends of the lines numbered II 10 and 12 (i.e. no number "8", palimpsest or not, at the end of recto II 11). There should be some space between the fragments of recto IV 4-10 /verso I 1-6 , i.e. after HA.t.y-a (recto IV 4), after Niw.t (recto IV 5), between the untranscribed traces in recto IV 6, after MAa.t (recto IV 7), space for sS (recto IV 9), more space after "1,000" (recto IV 10) , space after Ssp (verso I 1), after Ms (verso I 3), and after pA (verso I 4) . Perhaps verso III has only 10 lines (numbered 1-10). Kitchen's lines 11-13 duplicate 8-10; there is one line between verso III 10 and 14 which is actually the end of verso II 10; lines 14-18 may in fact belong to column II. Terminology: in verso I 1 read Ssp instead of pn . Names, Titles: Nfr-xa (recto II 6) proper name? Preceding traces unclear (not sS ). |