P. Turin Cat. 2001 + P. Turin Cat. 2005 + P. Turin Cat. 2029 + P. Turin Cat. 2078/161 + P. Turin Cat. 2078/162 verso
Other nos.: Giornale 17-A verso; Turin Necropolis Journal year 17-A verso; Giornale pl. 44-48; P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 93, 95
Description: Light brown papyrus, 21.5 x 99 cm, sheet joins running through recto columns I, III, V and VI (see Remarks). Recto (H/V) black and red ink, 6 columns: col. I 13 lines (with additional line a to the left of lines 5 and 6), col. II 13 lines, col. III 14 lines (with additional line a to the left of lines 5 and 6), col. IV 13 lines, col. V 13 lines, col. VI 12 lines. Recto I preceded by a blank space (= Cat. 2029). Verso (V/H) black ink, 7 columns: col. I 8 lines, col. II 14 lines, col. III 13 lines, col. IV 10 lines, col. V 6 lines, col. VI 11 lines, col. VII 10 lines. Columns I-IV upside down starting at left edge of verso, columns V-VII starting at right edge (i.e. top recto = bottom verso I-IV and top verso V-VII). Writing of verso II-VI different from that of verso I (see Remarks). Correction by scribe in verso IV 2? Damaged; upper halves of recto I-VI and verso V-VII lost, lower halfs of verso I-IV lost. Beginnings of recto I 2, 3, recto IV 1, 2, recto V 1, 2, recto VI 1, verso II 14, verso III 13 and verso V 1-6 lost; ends of recto IV 1, recto V 1-3, recto VI 1-9, 11 and 12, verso VI 1 and verso VII 1 lost; gaps in recto I 3 and 4, recto II 1, recto V 2 and 13, recto VI 2-12, verso II 13 and 14, verso IV 10, verso VI 2, 3, and 6-11; only traces of recto I 1 and verso III 13.
Classification: account - deposition : deficit - name - portion
Keywords: bronze - copper - document(?) - grain(?) - house - metalwork - temple - vessel - woodwork
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 27-29, 39-41, pls. b and 44-48 (photograph, transcription, translation, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 525, 527 and 528 (translation verso I-IV); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 595-598 (transcription); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 128-131, pls. XCIII and XCV (commentary, description and facsimile of verso II-IV = Cat. 2001 and verso VI = Cat. 2005)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 17 II pr.t 20 (verso IV 1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Pleyte-Rossi), year 17 Ramesses IX (Botti-Peet, Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Verso I: account of the distribution of grain rations. Verso II-IV: depositions in the form of lists of names with numbers (presumably referring to items stolen; verso IV contains a list of bronze and copper objects). Verso V-VII: further lists of names, in recto VII again with numbers.
Terminology: ir n (verso I 1, 2, verso IV 7, 9, 9); aHa (verso I 6); wa nb (verso I 2); wDA.t (verso IV 8); pA Ssp r n NN (verso II 1, verso III 3, 9, verso IV 1); sS (verso IV ~10#?); dmD (verso I 3, 5, verso III 8, verso VI 10, 11); dmD Hmt (verso II 14) Incomplete/unclear: m Dr.t ... (verso II 13?)
Names/Titles: an. ( aA ; verso I 5); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; verso V 1; house of; verso VII ~2#?); an. ( mDAy ; verso VI 11); an. ( nf.w ; verso VII 6); an. ( pA rxt.y pA Hm-nTr MnTw nb Iwn.w ; verso VII 7); an. ( pA Hm-nTr 4 .nw n Imn ; verso III 4); an. ( Hr.y ; verso I 1, verso VI 10); an. ( sS ; verso I 4); Ip (house of; verso VII 6?); Imn-m-pr-Mw.t ( sS ; verso III 5); In-wA.w ( kAw.t.y n tA Hw.t ; verso II 10); Imn-wa ( iTA ; verso IV 1); Inr ( Swy.t.y ; verso VII 9); Inr ( anx n niw.t ; f.; verso IV ~9#; verso VII 10); It-nfr ( ps-sgnn ; verso II 5; written II t-nfr ); aSA-on ( Swy.t.y n pr Imn ; verso II 6); War.t-fyfy ( mw.t of mDAy [...] niw [...]; f.; verso VI 2?); Wnr ( atx n sm 1r ; verso II 3); PA-ir-sxr.w ( sS ; father of Pn-pA-wn (see there); verso III 8); PA-wr-m-Niw.t ( Swy.t.y ; verso III 2); PA-Bs ( ps-sgnn pr Imn ; verso II 4); PA-nfr-m-nb ( sAw ? verso III ~12#); PA-nxt-rs ( sS Hw.t-nTr ; verso II 8); PA-xy-HA.t ( Hmt.y ; verso VII 5); PA-2r (verso II 1); PA-2r sA 4ry ( mDAy ; verso VI 4); PA-2r sA Ony ( mDAy ; also called Pn-pA-ihw ; verso VI 6); PA-sr ( wab n pr Imn ; verso III 1); PA-on (verso III 9); PA-kA-pA-wiA ( ps-sgnn ; verso II 12); Pn-Bs ( Tb.w ; verso II 11); Pn-pA-ihw (see PA-2r sA Ony ); Pn-pA-wn sA PA-ir-sxr.w ( Hr.y-mr.t ; verso III 8 - actually sS PA-ir-sxr.w ); Pna-sw-n=i-Imn ( wAH-mw ; verso II 2; written Pna-sw-Imn ); Fti (f.; mw.t of mDAy [...] -Htp sA 0n-n=f ; verso VI 7; mw.t of mDAy [...] -wA.t-nxt sA 0n-n-sxt ; verso VI 10; see Remarks); MnTw-xa ( rxt.y n NN ; verso III 5); MH.y.t (deity; f.; temple of; verso VII 3-4); Ms-nw ( mw.t of mDAy Ns-Imn sA PA-tA-m-di-Imn ; f.; verso VI 3; mw.t of Hr.y-mDAy 4AH-tA-nfr sA PA-tA-m-di-Imn ; verso VI 5); Nxt-MnTw ( sxt.y n tA Hw.t ; verso II 7); Ns-Imn sA PA-tA-m-di-Imn ( mDAy ; verso VI ~3#); Rr ( sxt.y n tA Hw.t ; verso III 6); 1w.t-1r ( mw.t of mDAy PA- [...] mn sA 2nsw-ms ; f.; verso VI 8); 1r ( sm ; verso II 3; in atx Wnr n sm 1r ); 1r sA Imn-wa ( iTA ; verso III 3); 4AH-tA-nfr sA PA-tA-m-di-Imn ( Hr.y-mDAy ; verso VI ~5#; sA not written); 4nr.t.y ( wab Dd m Snb pr Mw.t ; verso III 10?); 4d.y ( sAw n tA Snw.t Imn ; verso III 11); 5ps.t-kr ( mw.t of mDAy I [...]... sA 2r ; f.; verso VI 9?); Ory ( Swy.t.y ; verso VII 8); Ky-sn sA Imn-nxt ( rmT-is.t ; verso II 9); 6A-my.t (f.; verso II ~13#?); 6A-my.t ( anx n niw.t ; tA Hbs.t n pA Hm-nTr 4 .nw n Imn ; f.; verso III 4); 6A-5Asw ( Hm.t pr Imn ; f.; verso III 7) Incomplete/unclear: I [...]... sA 2r ( mDAy ; verso VI 9); an ... ( mw.t of mDAy PA-2r sA 4ry ; f.; verso VI 4); PA- [...] mn sA 2nsw-ms ( mDAy ; verso VI 8; see Remarks); [...] niw [...] ( mDAy ; verso VI 2); 4n [...] ( ps-sgnn ; verso II 14?); 4 [...] ( mw.t of mDAy PA-2r sA Ony ; f.; verso VI 6); [...] -is (f.; verso V 4); [...]... -nxt sA 0n-n-sxt ( mDAy ; verso VI 10?); [...] niw [...] ( mDAy ; verso VI 2?); [...] ( Hr.y-mDAy ; verso VI 1); [...] -Htp sA 0n-n=f ( mDAy ; verso VI 7); [...] ( sxt.y ; verso VII ~1#?); [...]- TAw- [...] (f.; verso V 3)
Remarks: Belonging to Giornale 17-B; order: 17-A recto, 17-B recto, 17-B verso, 17-A verso; see Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , pl. b. Description: height and sheet joins as observed by B. Haring in Turin, April 1995. Botti and Peet, ( Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 9, 15, 16, 28, 29) distinguish two scribes who wrote the Necropolis Journal of years 13 and 17: hand A ("mano A") wrote Giornale 13, 17-A recto, 17-A verso I, 17-B recto I, II, VII and VIII and 17-B verso ; hand B ("mano B") wrote Giornale 17-A verso II-VI and 17-B recto III-VI as well as lines a-b over 17-B recto VII-VIII. Names, Titles: 0n-n=f (verso VI 7) and 0n-n-sxt (verso VI 10) same person? Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 597 reads PA- [ s ] mn in verso VI 8.

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