P. Turin Cat. 2013 + P. Turin Cat. 2050/040 + P. Turin Cat. 2050/041 + P. Turin Cat. 2050/042 + P. Turin Cat. 2061/079 + P. Turin Cat. 2107/414
Other nos.: P. Turin Cat. 1930 (see Remarks); P. Turin Cat. 2050/043; P. Turin Cat. 2050/044
Description: Papyrus, ca. 38 x 45 cm (excluding loose fragment recto "x + III"); Cat. 2050 is upper half of recto and lower half of verso, Cat. 2013 + Cat. 2061 is lower half of recto and upper half of verso (see Remarks). Black and red ink. Recto (H/V) 3 columns: column I 13 plus 12 lines (lines 1-13 on Cat. 2050, lines x + 1-12 on Cat. 2013 + Cat. 2061); column II 13 plus 6 lines (lines 1-13 on Cat. 2050, lines x + 1-6 on Cat. 2013 + Cat. 2061); column x + III (on loose fragment) 9 lines. Verso (V/H) 3 columns: column I 9 + 10 lines (lines 1-9 on Cat. 2013 + 2061, lines x + 1-10 on Cat. 2050); column II 10 + 4 lines (lines 1-10 on Cat. 2013 + 2061, lines x + 1-4 on Cat. 2050); column III 13 lines (on Cat. 2013 + 2061); further traces on loose fragment to the left. Top recto = bottom verso. Palimpsest; traces of previous text visible on verso. Damaged (fragmentary); unknown amount of text lost between recto II and x + III; beginnings of recto I 1-12, recto II 7-13, x + 1, recto III 1-9, verso I 1-8, x + 2-10, verso II x + 1-4 and verso III 13 lost; ends of recto I 7, 9, 11, 12, x + 1, 2, recto II 1, 13, x + 4(?), recto III 1-8, verso I 8, x + 2, 4, and verso II x + 1-4 lost; lacunae in recto I x + 1 and 2; only traces of recto I 13, verso I 9 and x + 1.
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - event(?) - expense - portion
Keywords: arrival - boat - gang - grain - grain rations - granary - house - junior - Necropolis - offering - side (of gang) - stone-work(?) - tools - xA-n-tA
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 599-603 (transcription of recto I 1-13, x + 1-7, recto II 1-13, recto x + III and verso I x + 1-8); rest of text on recto and verso unpublished; see Cern Notebook 16.34-40, 52-57 (see Remarks); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 478-480 (translation of text as edited by Kitchen)
Dates mentioned: IV Smw (recto I 4); I Ax.t (recto I 6); III Smw (recto I 7); II Ax.t (recto I 11, x + 5, x + 10, II 1, 2, 6, verso I x + 7); rnp.t-sp 6 II Ax.t sw 4 (recto I x + 4); III Ax.t (recto I x + 7); rnp.t-sp 6 II Ax.t sw 10 + x (recto I x + 10); II Ax.t (recto I x + 10); rnp.t-sp 6 II Ax.t sw 30 (recto II 6); [...] III Ax.t sw 16 (recto II 13); IV Smw (recto x + III 1); rnp.t-sp 3 + x I pr.t sw 19 r rnp.t-sp 5 II Ax.t sw 1 (verso I 4); [...] sw 1 r III Smw sw 30 (verso I 5); III Smw r I Ax.t II Ax.t (verso I 6); [...] sw 4 (verso I 7); rnp.t-sp 4 II Smw sw 1 (verso I 7?); [...] Ax.t sw 4 (verso I 8); III Ax.t (verso I x + 10); rnp.t-sp 8 IV Ax.t sw 8 (verso II ~x + 2#); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 27 (verso III 1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 6 Ramesses IX and year 7 Ramesses IX (Kitchen, Helck)
Contents: Recto: accounts of the deliveries and distributions of the grain rations of IV Smw -II Ax.t from the royal granary in Thebes by high officials: royal butlers, fan-bearer, mayor and chief archivist. Verso: account of copper spikes; mention of delivery to the granary of the royal xA-n-tA -domains by cultivators; account of the delivery and distribution of grain rations (involving fishermen and their boats); traces of more accounts.
Terminology: iw (verso II 5, 7, 8, 10); iw m a=f (verso III 5, 7, 10, 11); iw di.w (verso II 10); ir n (recto I 1, 1, 6, 7, 7, 8, recto I x + 6, x + 6, x + 7, 7, recto II 3, 4, 5, 10, 10, 11, 12, recto II x + 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, recto x + III 6, verso I 4, 5, 6, 8); idn di.w n Abd ? (recto I 4, 7); aHa (verso III 4); wa nb (recto I 1, 1, 6, 7, 7, recto I x + 6, 7, 7, recto II 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, recto II x + 4, 5, 6, recto x + III 5); wp st (recto I 4); wp st n=sn m idn di.w n Abd ? in NN (recto I x + 5); wp st di.w n Abd ? (recto II 2); wnmy (recto I 7, 7 - sic; for smHy (?), recto I x + 7); wHm m Dr.t=f (verso III 6); wDA.t (verso I x + 9, verso III 7, 13); wDA.t=w (verso I 6); nA wDA.w.t n Abd ? r Abd ? Abd ? (verso I 6); r xt NN (verso I 8); rdy.t n=sn r mH=w (recto I x + 12); hrw pn (recto I x + 4 , recto x + III ~8# ); Hsb.w (verso I 3, 7); Xr HA.t (recto II 5); spr in NN (recto I 3); Ssp m pA wsx NN (verso III 8-9); Ssp m Dr.t NN (verso II x + 1); Ssp m Dr.t=f m pA wsx NN (verso III 2-3); grH (verso II 10, 10); tp n di.t di.w (verso II 6?); tp n di.t=f n=f (verso I 7); di.w (verso II 5); di.w n Abd ? (recto x + III, 1); di.w n Abd ? in NN (recto II 1); di.w n NN (verso II 2, 4); di.w NN (verso II 3); di.t di.w (recto I x + 4 , recto II 13, verso III 1 ); di.t di.w n Abd ? (recto I 6 , recto I x + 7 ); dit. di.w n Abd ? in NN (recto I ~11# (?), recto II 6-7 ); di.t di.w n tA is.t pA 2r n Abd ? (recto I x + 10); dmD (recto I 2, 6, 8, recto I x + 9, recto II 5, recto x + III 3, verso I 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, verso II 4, 6(?), 7, 8, verso II x + 4); dmD iw m a=w (verso II 9); dmD iw m a=f (verso III 7); dmD hAw nb (recto I 2, 6, recto I x + 2, 3, 8); dmD hAw nb r Dr=f (recto I 8) Incomplete/unclear: [...] mH=f n Ab d ? (verso I x + 7); [...] n=sn m di.w in NN (recto x + III 4; cf. wp st ... above)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA im.y-r Snw.t.y n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto I x + 12); an. ( nA iHw.t.y.w ; verso I 8); an. ( pA aA ; recto II x + 6); an. ( pA aA n is.t 2; recto I ~11#; x + 4 - aA n is.t s 2; recto II 3, ~10#); an. ( nA wbA.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb : recto II 8); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; granary of; recto I x + 12, verso I 7); an. ( nAy pA 2r ; written nA pA 2r ; verso I 7); an. ( rmT-is.t ; recto I ~x + 1#, x + 7); an. ( pA HA.t.y-a ; recto I ~x + 12#, verso I x + 8); an. ( Hwty.w n pA 2r ; recto I x + 6); an. ( pA Hm-nTr n 1r BHd.t.y ; recto I 4); an. ( pA Hr.y-sAw-sS.w ; recto I x + 12); an. ( Hr.y-sS-od.w ; recto I x + 6; recto II 4 - pA Hr.y-sS-od.w , recto II x + 5); an. ( nA sr.w ; recto I x + 11); an. ( pA sS ; recto II 3 - only pA (?), 10 - sS , recto II x + 4 - sS ); an. ( nA sS.w n tA Snw.t Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto I x + 5, verso I 7); an. ( pA TAy-xwy n Pr-aA anx wDA snb im.y-r Snw.t.y n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto II ~9#); Imn-xa (verso II x + 3); Wn-nfr (recto I x + 9); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb pA nTr aA (king; house of; recto II 6); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt ( wbA-nswt n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto I x + 11); PA-an-xa ( sS ; recto I ~10#, recto I x + 9 - title lost?); PA-wa-Imn (verso II 4?); PA-5w-m-Ip.t ( wHa ; recto I 9, verso II 3 - no title, verso III 8-9); Pn-6A-wr.t ( wHa ; recto x + III ~2#); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS-od ; verso II x + 1); MnTw (deity; verso I 2, verso II 1); Mr=s-gr (deity; f.; recto I x + 8, verso I 3); Niw.t (geo.; recto x + 12, verso III 11); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( aA n is.t ; recto I ~5#); Ns-Imn ( wbA-nswt ; recto I x + 10-~11#); 1A.t-nfr.w ( wHa ; recto I 3, x + 4, verso II 2, verso III 3); 1r ( sS n pA 2r ; recto I 5, 10); 1r ( sS n tmA ; recto II 1, ~7#, recto II x + 1-~2#); 1r-ms ( aA n is.t ; recto I 5, ~12#); 1r-Sri ( sS n pA 2r ; recto I 11); 4d.y (recto I x + 8); OnnA ( pA Sri n WAD-ms Dd.w n=f Pn-ns.t.y-tA.wy ; recto II x + 2-3; see Remarks); Kr (recto I x + 8); dmi 9bA (geo.; recto I 3, ~x + 5#) Incomplete: aD ... (recto I x + 9; for aDd.w ?); 1r [...?] ( sS [...?]; recto x + III 4); 1r ([...]; recto x + III 2); [...] BHd.t.y (recto I 10?); [...] ( sS ; recto I x + 2); [...] ( pA TAy-xwy n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto I x + 11-[12])
Remarks: Numbers: Cat. 1930 incorrectly labelled thus (instead of Cat. 2050) by Cern and afterwards corrected by him in the Turin Museum records (communication by R.J. Demarée). Description: size and layout of document reconstructed with help of unpublished notes of J. Cern and R.J. Demarée. The lines on the lower halves of recto and verso have been numbered "x + 1" etc. here because the amount of text lost between Cat. 2050 and Cat. 2013 + 2061 is uncertain. "Verso 1:1-8" of Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 602-603 becomes verso I x + 1-8, since it belongs to the lower part of verso I. Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 599-603, appears to have overlooked Cern Notebook 16.35-40 and 57 (recto I x + 8-12, recto II x + 1-6, verso I 1-9, verso I x + 9-10, verso II, verso III). Names, Titles: see Davies, Who's Who at Deir el-Medina , 189, for OnnA , son of WAD-ms , also called Pn-ns.t .y -tA.wy (recto II x + 2-3).

Record last updated 2024-07-15

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