P. Turin Cat. 2034
Other nos.: pTur 2034 B (Helck)
Description: Papyrus, 23 x 25 cm (recto). Black ink. Recto: drawing of the footboard of a bed (see Remarks) decorated with figures of Bes and lions, with three lines in hieratic underneath (here numbered C 1-3). Verso: drawing of a bed or chair(?) (see Remarks) decorated with i.a. ankh -signs and figures of a vizier, with three lines in hieratic running along the left side (numbered A 1-3) and one line in hieratic on the convex element between legs and upper part (B). The drawing on verso is perpendicular with respect to the one on recto, hence verso B is at right angles with recto C. See Remarks. Complete.
Classification: note : event(?) - transfer(?)
Keywords: cattle (?) - commissioning - woodwork - work
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 865 (transcription); Cortese, in: La scuola nell'antico Egitto , 133, no. 8 (photographs, description); S. Curto, in: A.M. Donadoni Roveri (ed.), Egyptian Civilization. Monumental Art , Turin 1989, 90 and 252, fig. 137 (photograph of verso, description); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 566 and 567 (translation of verso A and B, recto C 1); A. Roccati, in: A.M. Donadoni Roveri (ed.), Egyptian Civilization. Religious Beliefs , Turin 1988, 145 and 253, fig. 194 (photograph of verso, description)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 17 IV pr.t sw 2 (verso B); rnp.t-sp 17 IV ... sw 11 (recto C 1; or III ... sw 11(?); see Remarks); IV pr.t sw 29 (recto C 3); rnp.t-sp 1 wHm ms.w.t xft rnp.t-sp 19 IV Ax.t sw 5 (verso A 1; written rnp.t-sp 9 IV Ax.t sw 5 )
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 17 Ramesses XI and year 19 Ramesses XI = year 1 of wHm ms.w.t (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Verso B: commissioning carpenters; recto C commissioning ...(?). Verso A: manufacturing objects ( probably a chair and a bed ) for the vizier ( see Remarks ). Mention of an ox brought by a carpenter(?).
Terminology: m Dr.t NN (verso A 2-3?); sHn (recto C 1, verso B) Incomplete/unclear: iny ... =f (verso A 2?); TA ... (recto C 3?)
Names/Titles: an. (nA Hmw.w ; verso B); anx=tw (Hmw.w ; verso A 2-3); Nb-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (TAty ; verso A 2)
Remarks: Description: the designations "recto" and "verso" are applied differently in Cortese, in: La scuola nell'antico Egitto , 133 and Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 865; the latter is followed here. Note that the height and width are inversed in A.M. Donadoni Roveri (ed.), Egyptian Civilization. Religious Beliefs , Turin 1988, 253. Interpretation of the drawings on recto and verso by Haring, JEA 90 (2004), 220 and 221. Dates mentioned: month IV or III and day 11 in recto C 1 according to Cern see Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 865, 10, with note a. Content: interpretation of the drawings on recto and verso by Haring, JEA 90 (2004), 220 and 221. Read mSr "chair" at the end of verso A 1 (R.J. Demarée).

Record last updated 2012-10-04

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