P. Turin Cat. 2044
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, 20 x 55 cm. Black and red ink; recto 3 columns: recto I 12 lines, recto II 9 lines, recto III 10 lines; verso 3 columns: verso I 7 lines, verso II 13 lines (line 13 continuing underneath verso III), verso III 6 lines. Recto and verso different handwritings. Damaged; beginnings of recto I 1, 12, of all lines of verso I, verso II 1, 2, 6, 7 and 13 lost; ends of recto I 1-3, 5, II 1-5, III 6, 7, 10, of all lines of verso I, verso II 4(?), 13, verso III 1 and 2 lost; gaps in verso II 3-5. See Remarks.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - event - labour
Keywords: alabaster - arrival - birth - boat - copper - enemy - fat - inactivity - message - Necropolis - oil - river-bank - sending out - side (of gang) - tomb (royal) - woodwork - working
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 340-343 (transcription, not including recto III 1-5); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 417, 418, 420 and 421 (translation, not including recto III 1-5); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 221, 227 and 228, nos. 170 and 178 (translation of recto I 3-11 and verso II 8 - III 6, commentary); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 1 I Smw sw 24(?) (recto I ~1#); rnp.t-sp 1 I Smw sw 25 (recto III 3); sw 30 (recto III 3?); rnp.t-sp 1 I Smw sw [...] (recto II 1); rnp.t-sp 1 I Smw sw 20 + x (recto III 6); I pr.t sw 11-13 (verso II 3, 4, 8); rnp.t-sp 1 I pr.t sw 10 + x (verso III 1); rnp.t-sp 1 I pr.t sw 27 (verso III 6?)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 1 Ramesses V (Helck, McDowell); year 1 Ramesses VI (Kitchen)
Contents: Journal recording the transport of stones (recto I), tomb-equipment (recto II), deliveries of oil, fat and woodwork (recto III), the gang rejoicing and the production of pottery and plaster (verso I), inactivity of the gang because of the "enemy" and activity of the same enemy in a place called Pr-nby.t ; the gang is urged by the two policemen, not to go to work, but to wait until further notice (verso II-III).
Terminology: ii in pA Hr.y-mDAy 2 (verso II 8); ir n (verso I 7, II 13, 13); wsf r HA.t pA xrw.y (verso II ~4#, ~8#); wsf r HA.t pA xrw.y m hrw pn (verso II ~3#); wsf tA is.t r HA.t pA xrw.y m hrw pn (verso III 6); wDA.t pA oD (verso I 5?); mn (recto I 12); hrw pn wnmy (verso I ~15#); hrw pn Ssp n NN (recto III 7); dmD (recto II 9, III 10) Incomplete/unclear: hrw pn [...] (verso III 2); [...] hrw pn (recto I ~4#); hrw pn Ssp [...] (recto II 4) ; s.t (over recto I 4?); dmD n [...] (recto I 3)
Names/Titles: an. (wa.w n nA Xn.w wHa.w ; recto I ~10#?); an. (pA wrS 2; verso II 13?); an. (ms-aA.t ; recto I 7); an. (mDAy ; recto I 6); an. (nA pA 2r ; verso II 12); an. (nA mDAy n Pr-nby.t ; verso II 11); an. (nf.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto I 8); an. (rmT-is.t pA 2r ; recto I 11); an. (nA Hwty.w n pA 2r ; verso III ~2# - written Hnty.w ); an. (pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; verso II 11); an. (pA Hr.y-mDAy 2; verso II 8); an. (pA xrw.y ; verso II 3, 4, 8, 9 - without pA , verso III 6); an. (pA od 2; verso I 5); an. (pA oD ; verso I 5, 6); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; verso I ~4#); Imn-xa (mDAy ; verso I 7); Imn.t.t Niw.t (geo.; verso I 3); Pn-pA-iw (aA ; verso II 6 - or Pn-pA-mr ?); Pr-nby.t (geo.; verso II 9); Mn-nfr-m-Hb (f.; verso II 9); MnTw-ms (Hr.y-mDAy ; verso I ~6#, III 2); Niw.t (geo.; verso I 3?); nTr.w nb.w p.t tA (deity; verso I 4); 0d-nxt (sS ; recto III 7); 4.t MAa.t (geo.; recto I 9) Incomplete/unclear: PA- [...] (sS ; recto III 7); [...] nTr n psD.t n Xr.t-nTr (deity; recto II 5?)
Remarks: Description and publications given here exclude additional (unpublished) fragments; see R.J. Demarée, in: G.M. Zaccone and T.R. di Netro ed., Sesto Congresso Internationale di Egittologia. Atti II, Turin 1993, 104. The order of columns as published is maintained here; actual order is recto II-III-I and verso III-I-II (ibid.; R.J. Demarée, GM 137 (1993), 50 and 51).

Record last updated 2005-06-21

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