P. Turin Cat. 2071/139
Other nos.: P. Turin Cat. 2071/224 + P. Turin Cat. 1960
Description: Light brown papyrus, 29.5 x 34 cm. Black and red ink, recto (H/V) 2 columns: recto I 11(?) lines, recto II 21 lines; verso 2 columns: verso I 22 lines, verso II 9 lines. Top recto = top verso. Damaged; beginnings of all lines of recto I, of recto II 1-4, 11-21, verso I 1, 2 and 14-22 lost, ends of recto II 1, 2, 9-21, verso I 1, 2, 13-22 and of all lines of verso II lost, gaps in recto II 11-13, verso I 1 and 12-14. Recto I 1-3(?) and 8 lost.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - event - expense - labour - portion
Keywords: arrival - construction site - document - gang - grain rations - inactivity - lamp - message - offering - oil - plaster - procession - side (of gang) - temple - tomb (royal) - village - wood - working - onb.t
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 329, no. 282, pls. 122-127 (photographs, transcription; translation of recto II 9-21, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 508-510 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 641-644 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: sw 25 (recto II ~1#); sw 26 (recto II ~4#); rnp.t-sp 14 IV Ax.t sw 27 (recto II 9); rnp.t-sp 15 II Ax.t sw 16 (verso I 13); rnp.t-sp 15 II Ax.t sw 24 (verso I ~14#(?); see Remarks); I Ax.t (verso I 18)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 14 Ramesses IX and year 15 Ramesses IX (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Necropolis journal recording work and inactivity of the gang, with accounts of oil, lamps, plaster and grain rations (recto I and recto II 1-8, 17-18, verso I 1-12). Special subjects include (1) a scribe of the mat and an attendant of the great court of Thebes bringing a letter of the vizier concerning the gang's refusal to work at the royal tomb, some of the workmen being captured (recto II 9-13); (2) inactivity of the gang due to the presence of Libyans (Rb and MSwS ; verso I 13-16 ); (3) the procession of Amonrasonter (verso I 17); (4) a court case involving the Necropolis administrators, a royal butler and the high priest of Amonrasonter (verso II).
Terminology: ir n (verso I 4, 5, 9, 10); a pA sAw (recto II 8); wa nb (verso I 4, 5, 9, 10); wnmy (recto II 3, 6); wHm (verso I 10); wHm rdy.t n=sn (verso I 5); bAk m pA 2r n Pr-aA anx wDA snb (recto II 9); mn a pA sAw (recto II 6, 6); mn wnmy (recto II 17); nty wsf (recto II 2; written wsfA ); nty m Niw.t (recto II 2, 16); rdy.t n=f m di.w (verso I 12); hAw (recto II 8); hAw n pA r-a-bAk (recto II 5); hrw pn ii in NN (recto II 9, ~19#); hrw pn tA ri.t smHy (verso I 7); smHy (recto II 6, ~17#, 18); Sa.t (recto II 10); Ssp m Dr.t NN (recto II 4, 7); di.t di.w n NN (verso I 11); dmD (verso I 6, 12); dmD wnmy smHy (recto II 4) Incomplete/unclear: wsf [...] nA Rb (verso I 13); bAk m [...] (recto II 1); nty ...(?) (recto II 2); nty wS ...(?) (recto I 9); hAb m bAH [...] (recto II ~15#); [...] di.w n Abd ? m Dr.t [...] (verso I 18)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA aA ; verso I 6); an. ( pA aA n is.t ; verso I 8); an. ( pA wbA n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 2); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso I 11, verso II 2; king; tomb of; recto II 9, 11; temple of; recto II 12); an. ( MSwS ; verso I ~16#); an. ( nA Rb ; verso I 13, 14, 15); an. ( rmT-is.t s 40; verso I 4; s 39; verso I 9); an. ( Hwty.w ; recto II ~13#; verso I 19, verso II 1; written Hnty.w ); an. ( pA Hr.y-sS-od.w ; verso I ~8#); an. ( pA sAw ; recto II 6, 6, 8); an. ( nA sr.w ; verso I 15, ~16#, verso II 6); an. ( TAty ; recto II 10, 20, verso II 8); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; verso I 17); Imn-Htp ( Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w ; verso II [2]-3?); Imn-xa ( sAw ; verso I 13); a mH.t.y (geo.; recto II 2); aHAw.t.y ( oD ; recto II 7 - or aHA ?); Wsr-HA.t (recto I 10); Niw.t (geo.; recto II 2, 16, verso I 16); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( aA n is.t ; recto II 4 - written Nxn.w-Mw.t , verso I ~2#); Ra-mry ( Hr.y-Sms.w.w n tA onb.t aA.t n Niw.t ; recto II 10); Ra-nfr (recto I 10); 0r-MAa.t ( sS n tmA ; recto II ~9#; see Remarks); 1r-ms ( aA n is.t ; recto II 5); 1r-s.t-it=f ( swn.w ; recto II 10); 1r-Sri ( sS n pA 2r ; verso II 7); Kri ( aA ; verso I 11); pA dmi (geo.; recto I 11) Incomplete/unclear: an. ( sS n [...]; verso II 6); Imn- [...] (geo.; verso I 14); [...] pA 2r (verso I 3); Nxt- [...] ( AT.w ; recto II 21); 4mn- [...] ( sS ; verso I 11?)
Remarks: Dates mentioned: sw 24 is restored in verso I 14 by Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 509. Names, Titles: for 0r-MAa.t (sS n tmA ) in recto II 9 see B. Haring, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 157, note 167.

Record last updated 2024-07-15

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