P. Turin Cat. 2073
Other nos.: -
Description: Papyrus, dimensions unknown. Black ink, one side, 3 columns: column I traces of 4 lines, column II 15 lines, column III 11 lines. Damaged; beginnings of II 2-4 lost, ends of II 2-4 and of all lines of III lost, only traces of column I and of II 1, unknown number of lines lost at top of column III.
Classification: account : delivery - labour(?) - name - portion
Keywords: fish
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Unpublished; Cern Notebook 17.13-4 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: [...] III Ax.t (II 3)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Account of the delivery of fish and its distribution(?) among the workmen (II-III), with a note on workmen present (III 9-11?).
Terminology: iw (III 9, 11); ir n (II 2(?), 3); mn (III 10)
Names/Titles: Ii-r-niw.t=f (II 10); Imn-Htp sA OnnA (II 12); Inpw-nxt (II 15); Wsr-HA.t-mr sA MAA.n=i-nxt=f (II 9 - written MAA-nxt=f ; see Remarks ); PAy=f-bAk (II 14); Nfr-Hr (II 6); 1r sA Imn-wa (II 6); 2a-m-bxn (II 7); 2nsw-ms (II 13); 4bk-nxt (III ~8#); OnnA sA 1r-nfr (II 8); Od-Hr-ix.t=f (II 11; written Od-Ax.t=f ) Incomplete/unclear: Imn-pA- [...] (III 5); [...] ( aA n is.t ; III 2?); aHAw.t.y ... ( wHa ; II 5; or aHA ...?); [...] ( wHa ; III 1); BAk [...] TA [...] (II 2; perhaps BAk-n-7A-aA ?); PA- [...] (III 7); 1r [...] (III 3); Ony [...] (III 6); 9Hwty [...] (III 4)
Remarks: Names, Titles: the signs left untranscribed by Cern after Wsr-HA.t-mr (II 9) are to be read as sA MAA-nxt=f (R.J. Demarée).

Record last updated 2019-06-19

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