P. Geneva D 409 + P. Turin Cat. 2021 recto
Other nos.: P. Turin 271 (see Remarks)
Description: Papyrus, main piece (only including recto cols. III and IV, and ends of lines of col. II) 23 x 67 cm, with 5 additional fragments, when published by Černý and Peet; col. II now complemented by Geneva fragment but no new measurements available. Separate sheet (13 x 41 cm) glued on left end of verso of main piece. Black ink, recto (H/V) x + 4 columns (here numbered I, II, III and IV): col. I x + 5 lines; col. II 12 lines; col. III 13 lines; col. IV 21 lines (IV 15-21 separate column to the left of IV 4-14); 2 lines on separate sheet (H/V) on the back (here referred to as P. Geneva D 409 + P. Turin Cat. 2021 verso); top recto = bottom verso. Damaged; perhaps column(s) missing to the right of recto I; only fragments of recto I; minor damages in recto II-IV. Sheet on verso cut off after two lines.
Classification: protocol : deposition - list : name
Keywords: apportioning - document - house - junior - oath - oracle - papyrus - servant - temple - sfr.w (?) - onb.t
Provenance: Geneva fragment (together with D 405 and D 408) given to A.H. Gardiner in exchange for P. Geneva MAH 15274 in 1937, and passed on to the Turin museum (Massart, MDAIK 15 (1957), 172). Turin Cat. 2021 presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 320-327 (no. 280), pls. 113-119 (photographs of recto; transcription, translation, commentary); Černý, BIFAO 37 (1937-1938), 41-48 (translation of recto II 8 - IV 3; without Geneva fragment); Černý, Peet, JEA 13 (1927), 30-39, pls. XIII-XV (description, transcription, translation, commentary; without Geneva fragment); David, Legal Register , 144-159 (transliteration, translation, commentary); Helck, Materialien III, (529)-(532) (translation and commentary of recto II 1 - IV 3; without Geneva fragment); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 738-742 (transcription); Theodorides, BSFE 34-35 (1962), 25-29 (translation and commentary of recto II 2-11); Theodorides, JEA 54 (1968), 149-154 (translation and commentary of recto II 8 - III 5); Theodorides, RdE 22 (1970), 149-151 (translation and commentary of recto III 1-3, 6-8, 10 and 11); Theodorides, RIDA 11 (1964), 60 and 61, 67-71, 76 and 77 (translation and commentary of recto II 1-3, II 8 - III 11); Theodorides, RIDA 12 (1965), 101-104 (translation and commentary of recto II 3-8 and III 8 - IV 1); Theodorides, RIDA 13 (1966), 40, note 39 (translation and commentary of recto III 11 - IV 1); Theodorides, RIDA 14 (1967), 121-124 (translation and commentary of recto II 8 - III 5, III 11 - IV 1); Theodorides, RIDA 16 (1969), 155-158 (translation and commentary of recto III 1-3, 6-8, 11 - IV 1); Theodorides, RIDA 17 (1970), 183-210 (translation and commentary of recto)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: End Dyn. 20 ( Allam, Černý and Peet, Helck, Theodorides) or beginning Dyn. 21 (Allam) , Ramesses XI ( David, Kitchen)
Contents: Statement by the god's father Imn-xa in front of the vizier and the court concerning his second wife (Hbs.t ), the lady Ink-sw-nDm . Having renounced his former wife 6A-Tr-iA in a previous court session and having assigned to her 1/3 of their shared property, Imn-xa went to live with Ink-sw-nDm , whom he not only regarded as a wife but also as a daughter. Imn-xa has now decided to leave to her the entire property they have acquired together: four servants and the children of those servants. The children of Imn-xa and his former wife (here represented by the two eldest sons) will inherit his 2/3 of the property acquired in that marriage: nine servants and the 'parental home' (pr it mw.t ). The vizier, having ascertained that the children agree, orders that the arrangement made by Imn-xa be written down; one copy is to be kept in the temple of Ramesses III, another by the Great Court of Thebes. A list of witnesses follows.
Terminology: im.y-rn=f ir.y (recto IV 3); ar.t n.t Dma (recto IV 3; written ar.w n.t Dma ); aro (recto II ~1#); m bAH mtr.w on.w aSA (recto IV 3); m bAH NN (recto II 2, 8); r rdi.t rx (recto II 9); di NN m Hr n NN r Dd (recto IV 2); dmD (recto III 1); Dd NN (recto IV 1); Dd.t.n NN (recto III 8-9, 11); Dd.t.n NN n NN (recto III 5)
Names/Titles: an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto II ~11#; III 4); an. (nA Hr.y-mDAy n pA 2r ; recto IV 15); an. (nA Xr.y-Hb.w n tA Hw.t ; recto IV 12); an. (sr.w n tA onb.t ; recto II 9); an. (TAty ; recto II 2, 8; III 5, ~9#, 11; IV 1, 2); Iw=f-n-2nsw (sS n pA 2r ; recto IV ~10#); Imn-m-Ip.t-nxt (AT.w ; recto IV 20); Imn-Htp (AT.w ; recto IV ~19#); Imn-xa (AT.w n Imn.t.t Niw.t ; recto IV 16); Imn-xa (it-nTr ; recto III 6, 6-7; IV 1); Ink-sw-nDm (anx n niw.t ; f.; recto I ~x+2#; II 2, 10, 12; III 4, ~9# - Hbs.t of Imn-xa , 12); anx=tw-m-di-Imn (AT.w ; recto IV 21); aHAw.t.y-nfr (wab Hr.y-kAw.t.y.w ; Xrd of Imn-xa ; recto III 5-6); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb (king; temple of; recto IV 3); BAk-n-As.t (kTn n tA Hw.t ; recto IV ~8#); BAk-n-Mw.t (aA n is.t n pA 2r ; recto IV ~11#); Bwpw-Mw.t-xAa=n (Hm.t ; f.; recto II 3: 4 bAk , 4; III 1: bAk 2 Hm.w.t ; 12: 4 bAk ); PA-nxt-m-Ip.t (AT.w ; recto IV 18 - written PA-nxt-Ip.t ); PA-2r (AT.w n Imn.t.t Niw.t ; recto IV 17); PtH-m-Hb (wab sS n tmA n tA onb.t tA Hw.t Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wDA snb ; recto IV 2); Mn-sn.w (Hr.y-iH.w n Xnw ; recto IV ~7#); Nw-Mw.t-r=i (Hm.t ; f.; recto II 3: 4 bAk , 4; III 1: bAk 2 Hm.w.t ; 12: 4 bAk ); Nb-nfr (wab ; Xrd of Imn-xa ; recto III 5-6); Ns-Imn-m-Ip.t (HA.t.y-a ; recto IV 13); Ns-Imn-m-Ip.t (sS-spA.t ; recto IV 14); Ns-2nsw (idn.w n pA mSa ; recto IV ~6#); 1r sA 9Hwty-nxt (Hr.y-sAw.w n pA mSa ; recto IV 5); 4A=i-m-ptr-9Hwty (Hm ; recto II 3: 4 bAk , 5, 6: bAk 2; III 1: bAk 2 aHAw.t.y.w , 12: 4 bAk ); Gm-Imn-pA-aS (Hm ; recto II 3: 4 bAk , 5-~6#, 6: bAk 2; III 1: bAk 2 aHAw.t.y.w , 12: 4 bAk ; see Remarks); 6A-Tr-iA (anx n niw.t ; f.; recto III 2); 9Hwty-m-Hb (Hr.y-sAw-sS.w n pA mSa ; recto IV 4); 9Hwty-ms (sS n pA 2r ; recto IV ~9#)
Remarks: Numbers : Černý, Peet, JEA 13 (1927), 30: "(...) also bears a number 271"; Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 320: "(= 271)". Names, Titles: Gm-Imn-pA-aS (recto II 5-~6#) correct? Černý also suggested Gm-Imn-pAy=i-aS (see Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , pl. 115), but there does not seem to be enough space for pAy=i .

Record last updated 2010-10-08

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